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Places visited in Monteverde, Costa Rica
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Sinaia, Romania

Peleș Castle

This elaborately decorated, fairytale-like Romanian royal palace is one of the most striking castles in Europe.
Brașov, Romania

Transylvania's "Hollywood" Signs

The European towns of Brașov and Râșnov each have proud signs reminiscent of the Hollywood sign.
Brașov, Romania

Strada Sforii (Rope Street)

This snug medieval lane is one of the narrowest streets in the world.
Brașov, Romania

Biserica Neagră (The Black Church)

A fire once nearly devoured this gorgeous 14th-century Gothic cathedral.
Bran, Romania

Bran Castle

The possible imprisonment of Vlad the Impaler here earned the medieval castle its nickname, "Dracula's Castle."
Săpânța, Romania

The Merry Cemetery

A small town Romanian cemetery filled with darkly humorous gravestones.
Turda, Romania

Salina Turda

This massive underground salt mine now holds a sci-fi theme park in its depths.
La Fortuna, Costa Rica

La Fortuna Hot Springs

The same water that fills a luxury resort’s pools feeds these free hot springs in the rainforest.
Monteverde, Costa Rica

El Arbol Hueco

A secret climbing tree hides along the side of a Costa Rican road.
Monteverde, Costa Rica

Ficus La Raiz

In Costa Rica's cloud forest, the roots of a woody ficus create a botanical bridge.
Monteverde, Costa Rica

Reserva Curi Cancha

This wildlife refuge is home to more than 200 species of birds, as well as monkeys, lizards, and other wildlife.
Knoxville, Tennessee

The Sunsphere

Knoxville’s architectural icon was the symbol of the 1982 World’s Fair, even catching the googly eye of Bart Simpson.