bellbottomblues54's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Los Angeles, California

Snow White Cottages

Magical-looking cottages that inspired one of the most famous animated films ever.
Big Pine, California

Methuselah Tree

Once thought to be the oldest living tree in the world, Methuselah was germinated before the Egyptian pyramids were built.
Las Vegas, New Mexico

Dwan Light Sanctuary

A futuristic temple of light uses prisms and rainbows to create an atmosphere of peace.
Landers, California

The Integratron

Experience a quartz crystal sound bath inside a storied, all-wood sound-chamber.
Rancho Palos Verdes, California

Wayfarers Chapel

A Swedenborgian glass church surrounded by redwoods sits perched atop a massive landslide area.
Nageezi, New Mexico

Chaco Culture National Historical Park

A phenomenal assembly of pueblos in New Mexico is the most complete example of ancient ruins north of the border.
Hebron, New Hampshire

Sculptured Rocks

This narrow canyon has been carved by the river over thousands of years into spectacular and curious forms.
Los Angeles, California

Stay On Main Hotel

This brightly made over hotel hides decades of suicide, serial killers, and mysterious deaths.
El Prado, New Mexico


These aggressively sustainable art homes look like something out of 1970's science fiction.
Green River, Utah

Goblin Valley State Park

Bizarre lunar-like landscape with thousands of large stone "hoodoos."
New York, New York

United Palace Theatre

One of the last Jazz Age "Wonder Theaters" in New York City.
Los Angeles, California

Café Jack

A "Titanic" superfan changed his name to Jack and set up this strange shrine to the blockbuster, complete with Korean food and Tarot readings.
Oregon City, Oregon

Willamette Falls

The second largest waterfall by volume in the U.S., Willamette Falls is outdone only by Niagara in the amount of water that is pushed northward.
Baker, Nevada

The Bristlecone Pines of the Great Basin

The longest living non-clonal organisms on Earth.
Canyon, Texas

Palo Duro Canyon

The Grand Canyon of Texas.
Graniteville, Vermont

Rock of Ages Granite Quarry

Tour the world's largest deep-hole dimension granite quarry, where you can view the plant where gravestones are made and roll a ball down the outdoor granite bowling alley.
Truckee, California

Donner Pass Summit Tunnels

The now-abandoned tunnels were built for the transcontinental railroad on the route where the first wagon train entered California.
Joshua Tree, California

The Noah Purifoy Desert Art Museum

Explore 10 acres of environmental sculptures.
New York, New York

The Secret Entrance to the Knickerbocker Hotel

An unassuming secret door once led to a legendary watering hole.
Vernal, Utah

Fantasy Canyon

Sandstone rock formations that look like they belong on the cover of a progressive rock album.
Murfreesboro, Arkansas

Crater of Diamonds State Park

The only diamond mine in the world where you can keep what you find.
Las Vegas, Nevada

Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area

Dyed by iron oxide over centuries, these sandstone rocks rise thousands of feet into the sky.
Los Angeles, California

The Mar Vista Time Travel Mart

Sister store to the Echo Park Time Travel Store.
Los Angeles, California

John Sowden House

Most famous work of one of Frank Lloyd Wright's sons.