bibliobecca's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Scottsdale, Arizona

Robert McCall Space Windows at Kilgore Chapel

An out of this world experience.
Bristol, Virginia

Birthplace of Country Music Museum

Country fans may flock to Nashville's music scene, but this Appalachian town is where the genre was born.
Preston, England

Wallace and Gromit Statue

Everyone's favorite clay duo immortalized in bronze.
Munich, Germany


Oddly enough, a pair of Wolfs funded the construction of this Little Red Riding Hood sculpture.
Rome, Italy

Garum Biblioteca e Museo Della Cucina

Rome is now home to a stunning food museum and library.
Verona, Italy

Sant'Anastasia Basilica

A gorgeous example of 13th-century Gothic architecture.
Pelham, Tennessee

The Caverns

An ancient cave system in Tennessee’s Appalachian foothills converted to a 1,200-person music venue.
Powell, Tennessee

Ciderville Music Store

A roadside music shop featuring a confounding series of folk art installations.
Chicago, Illinois

Jane Addams Hull-House Museum

This historic house museum that celebrates one of the world's most influential social reformers is also one of the most haunted locations in Chicago.
Vicenza, Italy

The Turtles of Vicenza at Parco Querini

Turtles swim in a pond surrounding a classical temple in this lush park in Vicenza.
Vallombrosa, Italy

Vallombrosa Abbey

A 14th-century abbey founded by a forest-loving order of monks now sits in the center of a pristine nature preserve.
Portland, Oregon

Native American Art Center

One of the most comprehensive collections of historic Native American culture in the country reframes artifacts as artwork.
London, England

Tomb Of Hannah Courtoy

According to legend, this tomb holds the secrets to time travel.
Austin, Texas

Ellsworth Kelly's 'Austin'

This small stone building, the final work of a renowned artist, offers a peaceful environment with radiant, colorful glass windows .
Wageningen, Netherlands

World Soil Museum

A Dutch museum preserves the world's most diverse collection of vertical slices of soil.
San Diego, California

Yiddishland California

The Yiddish language stages a renaissance in a shtetl-inspired cultural center on the San Diego coast.
Baltimore, Maryland

The Owl Bar

At this former Prohibition speakeasy, electric birds signaled the arrival of hooch.
Tonalá, Mexico

Jorge Wilmot National Museum of Ceramics

A tribute to the region's rich history of pottery art.
Lamoille, Nevada

Lamoille Canyon

Drive up a paved road into "Nevada's Yosemite" for exquisite views and mountain hiking in an alpine setting.
Charolles, France

Maison du Charolais

An interactive museum and restaurant devoted to a prestigious breed of cattle.
Jensen, Utah

Quarry Exhibit Hall

Inside this striking glass building, visitors can see thousands of dinosaur fossils in the positions that nature deposited them more than 150 million years ago.
Irvington, New York

The Armour-Stiner Octagon House

This fancifully decorated Victorian home in New York’s Hudson Valley is the only known fully domed octagonal residence in the United States.
Nuremberg, Germany

Albrecht Dürer's Grave

The final resting place of one of Germany's most accomplished Renaissance men.
Tokyo, Japan

Samurai Museum

Dedicated to the armor and weapons used by the legendary Japanese warriors.