bisbee215's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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New Mexico

Ra Paulette's Hand-Carved Caves

One man has carved a number of natural New Mexico caves into psychedelic sandstone temples.
Santa Fe, New Mexico

House of Eternal Return

An immersive environment that is part haunted house, part choose-your-own-adventure, and part jungle gym.
Houston, Texas

National Museum of Funeral History

Fantastic collection celebrating the final send-off.
Houston, Texas

Aurora Picture Show

Local arts organization founded in a former church.
Houston, Texas

Destination Mound Town (Hermann Park Train Tunnel)

A little bit Wonkatania, a little bit pink elephant.
Houston, Texas

Smither Park

A park filled with vibrant mosaics created by more than 300 folk artists.
Houston, Texas

The Orange Show

One man's homage to the orange as realized through a long-term folk art labor of love.
Houston, Texas

The Hobbit Café

A taste of Middle Earth, in the middle of the Bayou City.
Houston, Texas

Museum of Health and Medical Science

A health museum containing a 27’’½-foot intestine.
Houston, Texas

Eclectic Menagerie Park

A private collection of massive steel monsters guarding a Texas pipe works.
Houston, Texas

Art Car Museum

At the "Garage Mahal" in Houston, car culture is about more than just driving.
Houston, Texas

The Wilde Collection

An oddities shop packed with twisted treasures inspired by Oscar Wilde and Edgar Allan Poe.
Katy, Texas

Forbidden Gardens

Scale replica of China's ancient terracotta tomb warriors and Forbidden City are the side project of an eccentric millionaire.
Springfield, Massachusetts

Dr. Seuss Sculpture Garden

Life-size bronzes of the Grinch, Cat in the Hat, Yertle the Turtle, Sam-I-Am, and the Lorax—and the author himself.
Lincoln, Massachusetts


No one really knows how these old hobby horses got here, but the herd keeps growing.
Shelburne Falls, Massachusetts

Glacial Potholes

Over 50 whirling pools left behind from the glacial age.
Gloucester, Massachusetts

Dogtown & Babson Boulder Trail

A New England ghost town features a trail of boulders etched with intriguing life lessons.
Somerville, Massachusetts

Museum of Modern Renaissance

This former Masonic hall has been turned into an art project that uses even more metaphysical iconography.
Boston, Massachusetts

Museum of Bad Art

Museum dedicated to awful artwork.
Salem, Massachusetts

Count Orlok’s Nightmare Gallery

A collection of full-size movie monsters opened to the public.
Fall River, Massachusetts

Lizzie Borden Bed and Breakfast and Museum

Enjoy an overnight at an old haunted B&B site of the Borden family murders.
Boston, Massachusetts

Brattle Book Shop

One of the oldest used bookstores in the U.S. has been selling antiquarian treasures since 1825.
Boston, Massachusetts


This upscale streetwear store is hidden behind a fake Snapple machine in the back of a deli.
Boston, Massachusetts

Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum (The Gardner)

Two thousand artifacts from around the world collected by one woman who loved to travel.