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Abu AR Rish Qebli, Egypt

Tombs of the Nobles

A network of ancient Egyptian tombs built into the cliff face along the Nile.
Luxor, Egypt

Hatshepsut's Myrrh Tree

This unassuming tree stump reportedly traces its roots to the famous pharaoh queen's reign.
Dandarah, Egypt

Dendera Light

Ancient Egyptian relief, claimed to depict an electrical light.
Nagoa Ash Shatb, Egypt

Temple of Kom Ombo

One of its engravings is believed to be among the first representations of medical and surgical instruments.
Aswan, Egypt

Unfinished Obelisk

The largest known Ancient Egyptian obelisk.
Ljubljana, Slovenia

Cast-Iron Dogs of Tivoli Castle

Strange rumors surround the artist who created these solemn metal guard dogs.
Hrastovlje, Slovenia

Danse Macabre of Hrastovlje

The walls of this medieval church are covered with perfectly preserved frescos, including a pristine example of the Dance of Death.
Ljubljana, Slovenia

'Faces' of Locksmith Street

A trough of 700 strange bronze faces runs through a narrow alley in Ljubljana's old town.
Venice, Italy

Church of San Giacomo di Rialto

According to tradition this is the oldest church in Venice, but its actual age is a mystery.
Venice, Italy

Scuola Grande di San Marco

The marble facade hides a little-known medical museum with early surgical instruments and rare copies of canonical texts.
Venice, Italy

Ponte dei Pugni (Bridge of Fists)

100 year tradition of fist fights, marked by marble footsteps.
Rome, Italy

Servian Wall at McDonald's

Inside this McDonald's you can dine on your Big Mac and fries next to a 2,500-year-old Roman wall.
Boston, Massachusetts

Smith Court

In the 19th century, this was the center of Boston's Black community.
Boston, Massachusetts

The Last Tenement

The last remaining 19th-century tenement from Boston's old West End neighborhood.
Boston, Massachusetts

Original Wharf at Massachusetts General Hospital

Around 160 years ago, this spot marked the location of a wharf along the shores of the Charles River.
Boston, Massachusetts

Potato Shed Memorial

Sacks of potatoes, made of cast stone, mark where the iconic potato sheds once stood along the river.
Boston, Massachusetts

Steinert Hall

The former locus of Boston's high culture has been shuttered and buried for over 70 years.
Cambridge, Massachusetts

Pooh's House

This tiny, painted door at the base of a tree stump has been a fixture of the Harvard University campus for decades.
Venice, Italy

Giant Hands of Venice’s Grand Canal

A new sculpture calls attention to climate change in the centuries-old city it threatens.
Venice, Italy

Torre Massimiliana

This sturdy, circular stronghold served as one of the forts that protected the Venetian Lagoon.
Venice, Italy

Portrait of the Four Tetrarchs

This Roman statue is missing a limb from when the Venetians stole it from Constantinople during the Crusades.
Lido, Italy

San Lazzaro degli Armeni

Originally a leper colony, the island is now an Armenian monastery that's home to an incredible manuscript library and eclectic museum.
Lido, Italy


Armenian monks at an island monastery in the Venetian Lagoon make a rare rose petal jam.
Venice, Italy

Reliquaries of St Mark's Basilica Treasury

An extensive collection of reliquaries containing the bones of saints housed in the largest Catholic church in Venice.