bluestargirl's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Venice, Italy

Piraeus Lion

Thousand-year-old Viking runes adorn an ancient Greek lion at the entrance to the Venetian Arsenal.
Venice, Italy

St. Mark's Clock Tower (Torre dell'Orologio)

Go inside to really appreciate this 500-year-old technological masterpiece.
Florence, Italy

Il Porcellino

This bronze boar's snout has been rubbed to a golden sheen by visitors seeking good fortune.
Florence, Italy

Santa Margherita de' Cerchi

Some say this medieval church is where the poet Dante married his wife and also met the love of his life.
Florence, Italy

The Bull of Santa Maria del Fiore

This strange bovine gargoyle is said to have been put in as a passive aggressive form of revenge.
Florence, Italy

La Berta

Legend says this mysterious stone head belongs to a woman who was petrified by an alchemist.
Florence, Italy

Michelangelo's Hidden Drawings

The doodles of a genius line the walls of a secret room under the Medici Chapel, where they were hidden for nearly 500 years.
Brezova, Serbia

Studenica Monastery

This beautiful medieval Serbian monastery is home to frescoes, peculiar sculptures, and historical curiosities.
Olomouc, Czechia

'The Thief'

A cheeky reminder about the value of art dangles above one of Olomouc's busiest streets.
Hiroshima, Japan

Human Shadow Etched in Stone

An eerie reminder to the horrors of World War II.
Karlshamn N, Sweden

Jättegrytorna i Tararp (The Tarap Giant Kettles)

A geological wonder that helped fuel myths of trolls and giants.
Glasgow, Scotland

Bearsden Roman Bathhouse

Remnants of the Roman empire's northern frontier nestled in suburban Glasgow.
Lund, Sweden

Runstenskullen (The Rune Stone Hill)

These ancient rune stones plucked from the countryside now call this university park home.
County Antrim, Northern Ireland

The Linford Barrows

These unknown Bronze Age earthworks are believed to be ancient burial mounds.
Simrishamn, Sweden

Simrislundsristningen (Simrislund Carvings)

These Bronze Age rock carvings are among the oldest in the region.
Afton, Wyoming

World's Largest Elkhorn Arch

This town is home to the world’s largest arch constructed entirely of elk antlers.
Felsted, England

The Felsted Hag

This 400-year-old house tells a tale of witchcraft and woodwork.
Chester, England

The Cobweb Picture

Chester Cathedral is home to a unique painting crafted on a canvas of cobwebs.
Imola, Italy

Rocca Sforzesca

This castle was once the home of one of the most powerful women of the Renaissance.
Rieti, Italy

Terminillo's Sword in the Stone

Templar knights fleeing persecution are said to have left this sword in stone as a landmark in 1307.
Rome, Italy

Vicus Caprarius

A forgotten "city of water" underneath the famous Trevi district.
Carpinteria, California

Carpinteria Tar Pits

Inky sludge oozes to the surface of this beach thanks to a rare natural tar seep.
Itoigawa, Japan

The Jade Coast

You can still find treasures on the pebbly beaches of one of the world's oldest jade-producing areas.
Traverse City, Michigan

World's Largest Cherry Pie Tin

An enormous roadside pan tells the story of a battle for pie glory.