bradshawbob19's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in New Bedford, Massachusetts
Places added to Eastham, Massachusetts
Places visited in Fairhaven, Massachusetts
Places visited in Sharon, Massachusetts
Places edited in New Bedford, Massachusetts
Places visited in Easton, Massachusetts
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Sutton, Massachusetts

Purgatory Chasm

This evocatively named natural crevasse was created by a torrent of water that smashed right through a granite deposit.
Fall River, Massachusetts

Battleship Cove

The world's largest collection of historic U.S. military naval vessels.
Providence, Rhode Island

Ladd Observatory

A 132-year-old telescope continues to keep watch over the night skies above Providence.
Cumberland, Rhode Island

Nine Mens Misery

Constructed in 1676, this stone memorial is believed to be the oldest veteran's memorial in the United States.
Pawtucket, Rhode Island

Old Slater Mill

The place where Samuel "Slater the Traitor" brought the Industrial Revolution to America.
Pawtucket, Rhode Island

Modern Diner

The first ever diner included on the National Register of Historic Places is famous for its custard French toast.
Boston, Massachusetts

Ted Williams Tunnel Plaque

A dedication plaque on this Boston tunnel is a microcosm of a massive, controversy-laden construction project.
Edinburgh, Scotland

'The Cutty Stool'

A bronze statue of a low three-legged seat commemorates a piece of furniture that started a riot.
New Bedford, Massachusetts

Fort Taber Park

Historic seaside park featuring explorable, abandoned military structures.
New Bedford, Massachusetts


The sea urchin sculpture is an unusual commemoration of a New England town's seafaring history.
New Bedford, Massachusetts

Seamen's Bethel

Built to bless whalers before their voyages, this Massachusetts church now features a ship-shaped pulpit.
New Bedford, Massachusetts

New Bedford Fire Museum

This museum dedicated to local history is housed in the state's oldest surviving fire station.
Honolulu, Hawaii

Waikiki Natatorium War Memorial

This saltwater swimming pool, which is the last of its kind in the United States, is slowly crumbling within sight of multiple high-end beachside hotels.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Monument to the Scottish Parliament

A stone monument acknowledging Scotland's right to have a separate Parliament from the one in Westminster.
Providence, Rhode Island

Haven Brothers Diner

From horses to stainless-steel trucks, this iconic Providence burger wagon is one of the oldest mobile diners in the country.
Glocester, Rhode Island

Memorial to Betty the Learned Elephant

A plaque marks the spot on the bridge where one of the first elephants in the U.S., Little Bet, was gunned down.
Easton, Massachusetts

Borderland State Park Mansion

The sprawling, eccentric estate of Ames and Ames, a brilliant botanist, and a genius inventor and artist.
Sharon, Massachusetts

Deborah Sampson's Gravestone

She become one of the first women to serve in the United States military by secretly dressing like a man.
Walpole, Massachusetts

Bird Memorial Clock Tower

This clock tower is all that remains of Bird Hall, constructed by one of the founding families of this Massachusetts town.
Warwick, Rhode Island

Rocky Point Amusement Park

Once the largest attraction in Rhode Island, this former amusement park is now a gorgeous coastal state park.
Newport, Rhode Island

Gravelly Point

The site of the largest mass execution in Rhode Island history, haunted by the ghosts of hanged pirates.
Newport, Rhode Island

Commodore Matthew Perry Monument

Dedicated to the explorer who opened Japan to the West.
Newport, Rhode Island

Location of the First Gas Street Lamp

A single light illuminates one man's overshadowed contributions to street lamp history.
Newport, Rhode Island

The White Horse Tavern

The oldest still-operating tavern in the United States was once owned by a pirate.