bsuto's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Rapa Nui, Chile
Places edited in West Palm Beach, Florida
Places visited in Hiroshima, Japan
Places added to Palm Beach, Florida
Places edited in Fort Lauderdale, Florida
Places edited in Palm Beach, Florida
Places visited in Palm Beach, Florida
Places visited in West Palm Beach, Florida
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New Orleans, Louisiana

Lake Pontchartrain Causeway

The world-record holder for the longest bridge stretching continuously over water.
Delray Beach, Florida

The Morikami Museum and Japanese Gardens

Japanese gardens dedicated to the Japanese farmer that refused to throw in the trowel.
St. Augustine, Florida

Castle Otttis

Two men built this castle on the Florida coast as an artistic “landscape sculpture.”
Chicago, Illinois

Crown Fountain

The twin towers in this Chicago fountain use 50 foot tall video screens to spit on people.
St. Augustine, Florida

Castillo de San Marcos

The walls of America's oldest masonry fort famously "swallowed" cannonballs.
Key Biscayne, Florida

Cape Florida Lighthouse

Located within a historic park, the beacon is the oldest standing structure in Miami.
Bear Creek, North Carolina

Devil's Tramping Ground

A 120-year-old legend concerning an empty circular patch in the North Carolina woods.
Charlotte, North Carolina

Wall Poems of Charlotte

Colorful murals stationed throughout Charlotte bring poetry to everyone.
Key Biscayne, Florida

Miami Marine Stadium

An abandoned water sports stadium that has become a haven for graffiti and decay.
Miami, Florida

Miami Circle

A perfect circle of 24 mysterious holes dates back to prehistoric times.
Milford, Connecticut

Charles Island

This "thrice-cursed" island is allegedly home to Captain Kidd's lost treasure.
Los Angeles, California

Korean Bell of Friendship

This symbol of peace is appropriately positioned overlooking the Pacific Ocean.
Cusco, Peru


An Inca spa, military outpost or maybe… both?
West Palm Beach, Florida

Unit 11 in the Everglades

A failed, un-built suburb that has been going feral for decades.
Boulder City, Nevada

Winged Figures of the Republic

A Norwegian-born sculptor created these soaring guardian angels at the entrance to Hoover Dam.
Cleveland, Ohio

Wade Memorial Chapel

Inside the unassuming cemetery chapel is a magnificent stained glass window and mosaics.
New York, New York

Fearless Girl Statue

Wall Street has a new heroine, a bronze statue of a small but fierce girl.
Portland, Oregon

Mill Ends Park

The world's smallest park was dedicated in 1948 as the only colony for leprechauns west of Ireland.
Cleveland, Ohio

World's Largest Rubber Stamp

Cleveland's giant "free" stamp is a nod to the Civil War, but was misinterpreted for years.
East Cleveland, Ohio

Warner and Swasey Observatory

This lovely university observatory continues to sit abandoned since its potential savior was sent to jail for fraud.
Cleveland Heights, Ohio

The Haserot Angel

The angel of death appears to weep black tears at this grave marker.
Breezewood, Pennsylvania

Abandoned Pennsylvania Turnpike

An abandoned stretch of highway, deteriorating next to the operational one.
Cleveland, Ohio

West Side Market

This spectacular public market has got meat, fish, vegetables, baked goods, and enough kielbasa for a lifetime.
Willoughby Hills, Ohio

Squire's Castle

Ghost stories surrounded this “castle,” the only structure from a huge mansion that was never built.