bryanwoerner's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Puno, Peru
Places added to Mansfield, Ohio
Places edited in Cancún, Mexico
Places added to Alaska
Places edited in Mansfield, Ohio
Places added to Saudi Arabia
Places visited in Cancún, Mexico
Places visited in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Places edited in Fort Washington, Maryland
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Marion, Ohio

President Warren G. Harding's Tomb

This presidential tomb was not dedicated until years after Harding's death due to personal controversy.
Florence, Kentucky

Florence Y'all Water Tower

After a water tower painting was accused of being an ad, a simple fix was made that gave the city a motto.
West Liberty, Ohio

Ohio Caverns

These sub-farmland caves are home to a majestic stalactite known as the "Crystal King."
West Liberty, Ohio

Piatt Castles

This pair of eccentric Ohio castles were built by a pair of brothers who wanted to bring a bit of class to the Ohio wilderness.
Puno, Peru

Taquile Island

On this tiny spot of land in the middle of Lake Titicaca the only ones who do the knitting are the men.
Puno, Peru


These ruined Incan mausoleum towers still bear carvings of sacred animals on their blocks.
Puno, Peru

The Uros People of Lake Titicaca

The Uros people live on floating reed islands in lake Titicaca.
Cusco, Peru

Qenqo Temple

Death rituals and sacrifice inside a Peruvian megalith.
Aguas Calientes, Peru

Machu Picchu: The Lost City of The Inca

The intricate stonework of Machu Picchu serves as a testament to Incan engineers.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Mütter Museum

America's most famous museum of medical oddities is home to the remains of Albert Einstein's brain.
Orchard Park, New York

Eternal Flame Falls at Chestnut Ridge County Park

A natural gas leak provides a flickering flame beneath a waterfall.
Le Roy, New York

The JELL-O Gallery Museum

The birthplace of America's favorite fruit-flavored mystery dessert.

Shajarat-al-Hayat (Tree of Life)

This centuries-old tree tells an unusual tale of vegetation and fertility in the desert.
Arad, Bahrain

Arad Fort

This beautifully historic Bahrain fortress might not be the most popular attraction around, but that might make it all the better.
Freeport, Maine

The Desert of Maine

This tiny patch of arid sand sits in one of the greenest states in the United States.
White Post, Virginia


Outsider art meets paleontology at this roadside reptile repository.
Put-in-Bay, Ohio

Perry's Victory and International Peace Memorial

The world's tallest doric column is this Ohio monument to a naval victory in the War of 1812.
Lincoln, Nebraska

National Museum of Roller Skating

The largest collection of historical roller skates in the world.
Lebanon, Kansas

Geographic Center of the Contiguous United States

Small plaque marks the spot, but the true center is located about half a mile away on a private pig farm.
Minden, Nebraska

Harold Warp's Pioneer Village

This replica small town lets visitors take a stroll through the story of progress in the U.S. via thousands of Americana artifacts.
Atlanta, Georgia

Battle of Atlanta Cyclorama

The Battle of Atlanta in 360 degrees, featuring a corpse that bears a striking resemblance to Clark Gable.
Gettysburg, Pennsylvania

Gettysburg Cyclorama

A dramatic, 360-degree recreation of Pickett's Charge in the Civil War.