bryanwoerner's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Puno, Peru
Places added to Mansfield, Ohio
Places edited in Cancún, Mexico
Places added to Alaska
Places edited in Mansfield, Ohio
Places added to Saudi Arabia
Places visited in Cancún, Mexico
Places visited in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Places edited in Fort Washington, Maryland
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Huntsville, Alabama

The Grave of Miss Baker

Bananas are often left for the first monkey America ever recovered alive after being launched into space.
Oxon Hill, Maryland

The Awakening

The 72-foot giant escaped confinement in a large patch of mulch only to be reburied in the sandy shores of the Potomac River.
Washington, D.C.

FBI Spy House

A painfully obvious spy house sits right across the street from the Russian Embassy.
Homosassa, Florida

Monkey Island of Homosassa

In Florida, these naughty monkeys live on their own mini-monkey Alcatraz.
Springfield, Virginia

Orange and Alexandria Railroad Culvert

This little brick tunnel built by Confederate forces was used to conduct surprise attacks on the railroad.
Washington, D.C.

General Sheridan's Horse Rienzi Winchester

This taxidermy horse was a Civil War hero.
Washington, D.C.

The L. Ron Hubbard House

Also known as the Founding Church of Scientology.
Washington, D.C.

Water Gate at the Watergate Complex

Before Nixon, "watergate" meant canals.
Washington, D.C.

Southwest Duck Pond

This lovely pocket park is one of the most under appreciated in D.C.
Washington, D.C.

Old Stone House

The oldest building in the District of Columbia was preserved because of a mistaken connection to George Washington.
Washington, D.C.

The Mutilated Currency Division

An obscure public service from the U.S. government that redeems burnt, moldy, and soiled old greenbacks.
Alexandria, Virginia

Wilkes Street Tunnel

This brick-lined pedestrian walkway was once a railway tunnel used during the Civil War.
Alexandria, Virginia

Mount Vernon Slave Cemetery

The graveyard holding the remains of George Washington's slaves was forgotten for nearly 200 years.
Fort Washington, Maryland

Fort Washington

This fort down the Potomac from Washington, D.C. was once the only defensive fort protecting the capital.
New York, New York

Gorilla Diorama

Creating this diorama spurred naturalist Carl Akeley to begin advocating to protect the apes.
Fort Washington, Maryland

Fort Foote Rodman Guns

A mammoth pair of Civil War artillery guns abandoned out in the forest.
Knoxville, Maryland

The Sign Above the Tunnel

This advertisement for talcum powder was painted on the rock face and has since defied removal.
Washington, D.C.

Marilyn Monroe Mural

A tribute to the pop culture icon overlooks this Washington D.C. intersection.
Washington, D.C.

Roman Legionnaire Modesty Shields

Railroad officials in the early 1900s sought to spare travelers the sight of Roman soldiers’ private parts.
Madison, Wisconsin

Old Abe

A renowned Civil War veteran, this Bald eagle now presides over the Wisconsin State Assembly.
New York, New York

Stationary Figures Mosaics

Stunningly detailed mosaics in a New York subway station bring life to the Weimaraners of artist William Wegman's work—and to thousands of commutes.
Colmar Manor, Maryland

Bladensburg Dueling Grounds

Politicians, bureaucrats, and military officers gathered in this field near the Capitol to settle their disputes with blood.
Cusco, Peru

Plaza de Armas

Built on the remains of one the Incas’ most important gathering spots, this square keeps the spirit of a fallen empire alive.
Key West, Florida

U.S. Route 1 Mile 0 Sign

The highway's southernmost spot is a beloved local attraction.