bryanwoerner's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Puno, Peru
Places added to Mansfield, Ohio
Places edited in Cancún, Mexico
Places added to Alaska
Places edited in Mansfield, Ohio
Places added to Saudi Arabia
Places visited in Cancún, Mexico
Places visited in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Places edited in Fort Washington, Maryland
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Thurmont, Maryland

Catoctin Furnace

A pre-Industrial Age iron furnace and the site of a nearly-forgotten piece of Black history.
Jefferson, Maryland

War Correspondents Memorial

One of the only memorials dedicated to journalists who died in combat.
Middletown, Maryland

The (First) Washington Monument

Built by the patriotic residents of Boonsboro in a single day.
Boonsboro, Maryland

Crystal Grottoes Caverns

Bizarre Cavern.
Savannah, Georgia

Original Taco Bell Sign

This twisty sign depicts the chain's first logo.
Washington, D.C.

Watergate Fountain

The word "Watergate" will forever be associated with the infamous scandal in 1972, but this fountain is famous in its own right.
Mexico City, Mexico

The Cake Room at Pastelería Ideal

Where layer cakes tower above one’s head and there is never a shortage of icing.
Fairbanks, Alaska


The sculpture's largest spire points directly toward the North Star.
Fairbanks, Alaska

Chatanika Gold Dredge #3

A hulking remnant of Alaska's industrial gold mining boom in the 1920s.
Washington, D.C.

Former Qing Dynasty's Legation

This apartment building designed by a notable Washington D.C. architect housed the Qing Dynasty's Legation.
Washington, D.C.

Arsenal Monument

A striking memorial to the 21 lives lost in an explosion at the Washington Arsenal
Washington, D.C.

Memorial to Japanese-American Patriotism in World War II

An unassuming, powerful monument north of the U.S. Capitol bears witness to the resilience of Japanese Americans during a time of grave injustice.
Washington, D.C.

Rotunda of the Provinces

An echo chamber with a waterfall wrapped around its base at the Embassy of Canada in Washington, D.C.
New York, New York

Times Square Station Fake Tiles

Fake subway tiles were installed to cover a design that resembled the Confederate flag—it's unclear if the resemblance was intentional.
Washington, D.C.

Washington Aqueduct Chemical Tower

Every drop of D.C. tap water flows through this old waterworks.
Saint Paul, Minnesota

First National Bank Building Skyway

Built in 1931, this small passageway is believed to be the first modern skyway.
Columbus, Ohio

Garden of Constants

This whimsical campus lawn is dotted with large sculpted numbers and hidden mathematical formulas.
Columbus, Ohio

The Handprint

A single handprint, which, according to Ohio State University legend, cannot be scrubbed off.
Alexandria, Virginia

Contrabands and Freedmen Cemetery

Once forgotten and built over, this historic Black cemetery now houses a poignant memorial.
Fairbanks, Alaska

Haul Road (Dalton Highway)

This gravelly, dangerous highway is the only road in the United States that leads to the Arctic Ocean.
Alexandria, Virginia

The Elk of Prince Street

A massive, majestic mammal watches over pedestrians from his perch atop a former B.P.O.E. lodge.
Dearborn, Michigan

Edison's Last Breath

A sealed test tube said to hold Thomas Edison's dying breath was given to the inventor's friend and mentee, Henry Ford.
Huntsville, Alabama

Pathfinder and the MPTA-ET

It may look like no more than a full-scale model, but every part of this full Space Shuttle stack had a working role in aviation history.
Huntsville, Alabama


A propulsion engine testbed that paved the way for the Space Shuttle launch sits without recognition at this rocket center.