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Places visited in Cockeysville, Maryland
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Baltimore, Maryland

Site of Edgar Allan Poe's Death

The site where Poe "in great distress, and ... in need of immediate assistance" likely died.
Baltimore, Maryland

Graffiti Alley

A hidden alley in urban Baltimore is a haven for graffiti artists.
Baltimore, Maryland

Al Capone Cherry Tree

This lovely tree was a thank you gift from the man known as "Public Enemy No.1."
Baltimore, Maryland

Papermoon Diner

This beloved Baltimore spot features caged dolls, a giant Pez collection, and many, many mannequins.
Cockeysville, Maryland

Beaver Dam

A swimming hole in the historic industrial quarry that supplied the marble for the Baltimore Washington Monument.
Cockeysville, Maryland

System Source Computer Museum

Its diverse collection of computers and technology spans the ages.
Baltimore, Maryland

Safety City

A miniature city within a city, complete with traffic signs, signals, and streets to teach Baltimore's youth traffic safety laws.
Ellicott City, Maryland


An eerie, decaying ghost town destined to fade into the forest.
Cockeysville, Maryland

National Electronics Museum

Electronic inventions that resulted in products and systems we use every day are on display in this labor-of-love museum.
Baltimore, Maryland

Fort Armistead

An eerie, abandoned military base engulfed by nature and graffiti is now home to a local park.