caict's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Eyam, England
Places visited in Heysham, England
Places visited in Hale, England
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Edinburgh, Scotland

William Wallace and Robert the Bruce Statues

Overlooked by many, the two famous Scottish warriors guard the main gate of Edinburgh Castle.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Rooftop Terrace at the National Museum of Scotland

There are plenty of wonderful panoramic vistas in Edinburgh, but not many are hidden smack in the middle of the Old Town.
Edinburgh, Scotland

The Heart of Midlothian

A sweet symbol marks the place where torturous executions were once carried out.
Edinburgh, Scotland

George Mackenzie's Mausoleum

The tomb of one of Scotland's bloody historic villains is a magnet for bumbling desecrators.
Falkirk, Scotland

Falkirk Wheel

Old-fashioned knowledge and modern engineering create the world's only rotating boatlift.
Eyam, England

Hall Hill Troughs

One of the U.K's earliest public water supplies is within the "plague village."

Toad's Mouth

The view from this giant Stone Age toad is unexpectedly beautiful.
Hathersage, England

Little John's Grave

A headstone notes where the most famous of Robin Hood's legendary Merry Men is reportedly buried.
Derbyshire, England

Winnats Pass

A magnificent winding road through a steep valley, with deep natural caverns at the bottom
Castleton, England

Peak Cavern's Rope Factory

Some of England's last cave dwellers lived and worked within this huge cave.
London, England

The Soho Square Hut

The Tudor-style cottage in the middle of the square is not quite what it seems.
London, England

Traitors' Gate

The watery entrance for condemned prisoners heading to the Tower of London is still visible along the Thames.
London, England

Leinster Gardens False Facades

You'd never know the houses at 23-24 Leinster Gardens were fakes—until you see the train tracks on the other side.
London, England

Replica of the Golden Hinde

This one has sailed five times as far as Sir Francis Drake's famous ship.
London, England

Paddington Bear Statue

After nearly 60 years, there's still a bear at Paddington Station looking for help.
London, England

Natural History Museum of London

Eighty million natural history specimens call this gargantuan museum home.
London, England

Greenwich Foot Tunnel

A 1,215-foot tunnel transports pedestrians beneath the River Thames.
London, England

221b Baker Street

The popularity of Sherlock Holmes led to the creation of his fictional address, turning the orderly London street numbers askew.
London, England

Leadenhall Market

This ornate Victorian marketplace was the setting for Diagon Alley and the Leaky Cauldron in the Harry Potter films.
Beer, England

Beer Quarry Caves

This Roman quarry once held secret masses and smuggler's contraband and is now home to rare species of bats.
Keswick, England

Derwent Pencil Museum

A museum in England’s Lake District dedicated to the trusty pencil wants you to know the story of their World War II spy pencils.
Hale, England

The Giant's Grave

Final resting place of John Middleton "The Childe of Hale."
Chester, England

Medieval Coffin of St John's

A rare wooden coffin set vertically into the Gothic arch of an ruined church.
Chester, England

Minerva's Shrine

Western Europe's only representation of a Roman goddess still in its original location sits in an unassuming park.