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Cambridge, Massachusetts

Mount Auburn Cemetery

This peaceful Massachusetts graveyard was one of the first "garden-style" cemeteries in America.
San Francisco Mazapa, Mexico

La Gruta

Cool down and fill up after visiting Teotihuacán at this bar and restaurant in a deep, underground cave.
San Juan Teotihuacan de Arista, Mexico

Quetzalpapálotl Palace

Dating back to the second century, vestiges of prehispanic mural paintings are found in this underground palace.
San Juan Teotihuacan de Arista, Mexico

Mural of the Great Goddess

A striking depiction of Teotihuacan's mysterious "Spider Woman."
Mexico City, Mexico

La Casa Azul

Frida Kahlo's childhood home, now a museum of her life and works.
Mexico City, Mexico

Soumaya Museum

66,000 pieces of art, donated by one of the world's richest men.
Mexico City, Mexico

Cafebrería El Péndulo

Part bookstore, part café, and part forest.
Mexico City, Mexico

Mosaic Votive Skull

The turquoise-studded skull of a long-dead Aztec man sits within Mexico City’s Museum of Anthropology.
Mexico City, Mexico

Death Mask of Pakal the Great

The striking jade death mask of an ancient Maya king is displayed in a replica tomb in Mexico City.
Mexico City, Mexico

Coatlicue Statue

Come face to face with the ferocious visage of the serpent-headed mother goddess of the Aztecs.
Mexico City, Mexico

National Museum of Anthropology Murals

The unique collection often goes unnoticed by visitors focused only on the archaeological objects.
Mexico City, Mexico

Chapultepec Castle

The only castle in North America to ever house European sovereigns.
Mexico City, Mexico

Temple Ehécatl

This Aztec structure remained hidden until the demolition of a supermarket exposed the lost temple.
Mexico City, Mexico

Pyramids of Tlatelolco

These haunting ruins of a 700-year-old Prehispanic city have witnessed centuries of wars and massacres.
Mexico City, Mexico

'El Vochol'

A Volkswagen Beetle decorated with millions of beads connects Mexico's past and future.
Mexico City, Mexico

Museo de Arte Popular

An airy Art Deco space devoted to the weird and wonderful folk art traditions of Mexico.
Mexico City, Mexico

Museo de la Medicina Mexicana

A scientific repository of goiters, boils and other ailments throughout Mexican history.
Mexico City, Mexico

Secretariat of Public Education Murals

Diego Rivera hid various people and symbols in his first large-scale mural project.
Mexico City, Mexico

Monoliths of the Templo Mayor

This museum houses two of Mexico's most impressive Aztec monoliths.
Mexico City, Mexico

Serpents of the Great Temple

These spectacular, symbolic serpents lie within the shadow of the Great Temple.
Mexico City, Mexico

Skull Rack of the Great Temple

A disquieting Aztec sculpture displays hundreds of stone skulls representing the victims of human sacrifice.
Selçuk, Turkey

Brothel Advertisement at Ephesus

Carvings in Turkey's Marble Road may have directed ancient Romans to a hidden brothel.
Sultaniye Köyü, Turkey

House of the Virgin Mary

The alleged house of the Virgin Mary is tucked away in a park and nature preserve on Mt. Koressos in Turkey and is holy to both Catholics and Muslims alike.
Kuşadası, Turkey


A charming beach town in Turkey captures all the colors of the rainbow.