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Tác, Hungary

Gorsium Archaeological Park

The remains of an entire Roman city can be explored in this interactive museum.
Areni, Armenia

Areni-1 Cave Complex

This series of Armenian caves held the oldest brain, shoe, and winery in the world.
Garni, Armenia

Garni Gorge

A geological oddity topped with a 2,000-year-old pagan temple.
Minsk, Belarus

Cat Museum

This Minsk museum has cat coffee, cat chess, cat art, and even a cat "staff," which visitors are free to take home.
Chivhu, Zimbabwe

Daramombe Rock Paintings

Several ancient rock paintings can be found on the hills surrounding the Daramombe High School.
Masvingo, Zimbabwe

Great Zimbabwe

The largest prehistoric ruins south of the Sahara, once a powerful center of international trade.
Kumi, Uganda

Nyero Rock Paintings

Six rock shelters covered in abstract art created by ancient Ugandan tribes.
Tandjouare, Togo

Nok Caves

Hidden dwellings in the cliffsides of North Togo used by local Moba tribes to evade 18th-century slave traders.
Unguja Ukuu, Tanzania

Unguja Ukuu

A remote island settlement off the coast of Tanzania is a storied archaeological site with an ancient past.

Changuu (Prison Island)

Over the course of its history, this tiny island has held enslaved people in transit and served as a quarantine zone. Today, it's a giant tortoise sanctuary.
Monduli, Tanzania

Engaruka Ruins

The culture that built these Tanzanian ruins displayed advanced knowledge of irrigation technology before mysteriously disappearing.
Kilwa Masoko, Tanzania

Kilwa Kisiwani Ruins

Stunning ruins of what was once the center of one of the greatest empires in East Africa.
Barkley West, South Africa

Wildebeest Kuil Rock Art Centre

Fascinating collection of Khoisan rock engravings, still situated in their original setting.
West Rand, South Africa

Sterkfontein Caves

Caves that can't seem to quit producing the remains of prehistoric humans.
Hargeisa, Somalia

Laas Geel

This cave located in the badlands of Somaliland contains some of the oldest cave art in Africa.
Kunene Region, Namibia


Ancient artists in the middle of nowhere.
Berkane, Morocco

Taforalt (Cave of Pigeons)

This Paleolithic cave may be the oldest cemetery in North Africa.
Larache, Morocco

The Site of The Garden of the Hesperides

A mythical garden that once grew the golden apples of wisdom is said to have existed in this ancient Moroccan city.
Province de Ouarzazate, Morocco

'The Hills Have Eyes' Gas Station

An abandoned horror film set sits eerily along a highway through Hollywood's "door to the desert."
Meknes, Morocco

Volubilis Archaeological Site

Mosaics, storks, and brothels—this ancient city has it all.
Timbuktu, Mali

Timbuktu Manuscripts

Ancient Manuscripts showcase the civilization of West Africans during the Middle Ages.
Karonga, Malawi

Karonga Museum

A cultural center on the shores of Lake Malawi dedicated to preserving Karonga’s past and present, including the fossilized remains of the Malawisaurus.
Malindi, Kenya

Gedi Ruins

Abandoned city hidden from the world by tropical forest and isolation on the coast of Kenya.
Bohicon, Benin

Agongointo-Zoungoudo Archaeological Park

This subterranean town of over 50 dwellings lies thirty feet beneath the Earth's surface.