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Petra District, Jordan

Little Petra

A more chill but no less fascinating version of the famous ancient archeological site.
Jerusalem, Israel

Meah Shearim

Neighborhood in Jerusalem is home to the ultra-orthodox haredim.
Jerusalem, Israel

The Austrian Hospice

This unassuming oasis elevated just above the busy streets of Jerusalem offers one of the best views of the Old City.
Jerusalem, Israel

Razzouk Ink

This family tattoo parlor has been inking religious pilgrims in the Middle East for 700 years.
Jerusalem, Israel

Armenian Quarter of Jerusalem

The only quarter of the Old City not dedicated to a major world religion.
Jerusalem, Israel

Montefiore Windmill

After over 100 years out of service this landmark windmill once again turns as a symbol of Jerusalem's self-sufficiency.
Jerusalem, Israel

Shrine of the Book

The home of the Dead Sea Scrolls is an abstract modernist dream.
Jerusalem, Israel

The Mifletzet

This nightmarish children's plaything was left grotesque to help kids conquer their fear.
Jerusalem, Israel

Tisch Family Zoological Park

Biblical beasts and endangered animal preservation come together in this Israeli zoo.
Ein Gedi, Israel

David Waterfall

The tallest waterfall in the Judean Desert is named for its connection to a biblical figure.
Masada, Israel


This daunting 1st century fortress was purportedly the site of one of the most dramatic revolts of the Jewish-Roman wars.
Varanasi, India

Cremation Ghats of Varanasi

Many Hindus make the long pilgrimage to this holy city to have their remains burned on the banks of the Ganges River.
Pushkar, India

Pushkar Brahma Temple

There are millions of temples in India, but only one prominent temple dedicated to the Hindu creator god.
Varanasi, India

Ratneshwar Mahadev Temple

Known as the leaning temple, the sacred structure has somehow developed a severe nine-degree slant.
Bodhgaya, India

Mahabodhi Temple

Siddhartha Gautama sat here and received enlightenment.
Jaisalmer, India

Jaisalmer Fort

The oldest still-inhabited hill fort in India looks like a magnificent golden sandcastle.
Jodhpur, India

Mehrangarh Fort

This stunning 15th-century royal hill fort preserves the age of chivalry in Rajasthan.
Chhatarpur, India

Temples of Khajuraho

Temples adorned with intricate, erotic sculptures make up one of the "seven wonders" of India.
Amritsar, India

Golden Temple

This peaceful Sikh gurudwara serves around 50,000 free meals every day within its gilded walls.
Jaipur, India

Hanuman’s Temple

Sacred Indian temple that’s all monkey business.
Hampi, India


The remains of what was, not so long ago, the world's largest city.
Jodhpur, India

The Blue City of Jodhpur

Once an indicator of social class, the color blue has come to define this city on the edge of the Thar Desert.
Jaipur, India

Jal Mahal

More than half of this Indian palace is drowned but it looks all the more spectacular for it.
Jaipur, India

Hawa Mahal (Palace of Winds)

The 953 windows undoubtedly make this the world's most beautiful screened porch.