fearlessnoodle's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Storrs, Connecticut

Ballard Institute and Museum of Puppetry

Celebrating an art form with a collection of puppets from all over the world.
Stamford, Connecticut

Walker Library of The History of Human Imagination

An Escher-inspired library dedicated to the wonders of the human mind, yet closed to the public.
Poughkeepsie, New York

Hudson River State Hospital

This mouldering abandoned mental hospital was once a center for progressive healing.
Mount Washington, Massachusetts

Bash Bish Falls

One of the most scenic falls in Massachusetts has a history of death and grim legend.
Somers, New York

Memorial to America’s First Circus Elephant

This high-perched pachyderm marks the memory of not one, but two elephants gunned down in small New England towns.
South Salem, New York

Wolf Conservation Center

Protecting the future of some of the rarest and most misunderstood mammals of North America.
Marlborough, Connecticut

Snake Rock

This roadside wonder is as mysterious as it is beloved.
Bridgeport, Connecticut

Bloodroot Feminist Vegetarian Restaurant

This last stalwart of the now-forgotten feminist restaurant movement has been serving food in an activist atmosphere since 1977.
Bridgeport, Connecticut

Grave of Charles Stratton

The final resting place of a circus performer who went by the pseudonym "General Tom Thumb."
Windsor, Connecticut

Memorial to Alse Young and Lydia Gilbert

Decades before the Salem Witch Trials, two Connecticut women were executed for alleged witchcraft.
Hartford, Connecticut

Statue of Jack the Pardoned Turkey

This sculpture commemorates the first instance of an American president pardoning a turkey.
Hartford, Connecticut

Hartford Circus Fire Memorial

Memorial to one of the most fatal fires in both circus and U.S. history.
Wingdale, New York

Harlem Valley Psychiatric Center

An abandoned asylum once on the cutting edge of lobotomies may be reborn as a Christian college.
Hartford, Connecticut

Great Scott Moon Rock

An actual piece of the Moon, brought down to Earth by Apollo 15.
Hartford, Connecticut

Museum of Natural and Other Curiosities

A wunderkammer hidden on the top floor of the Hartford statehouse.
Pawling, New York

Akin Free Library

The attic and basement house two museums stuffed with oddities like swallowed spoon handles and a shrunken head.
Orange, Connecticut

PEZ Visitor Center

The world's largest public collection of PEZ memorabilia.
New Haven, Connecticut

Harvey Cushing/John Hay Whitney Medical Library

A vast collection of rare books, manuscripts & extraordinary objects illustrating the history of medicine.
New Haven, Connecticut

Grave of Midnight Mary

Final resting place of a New Haven urban legend.
New Haven, Connecticut

Grave of Sarah Winchester

Connecticut grave of the woman responsible for the Winchester Mystery House in California.
New Haven, Connecticut

Crypt at Center Church-on-the-Green

137 graves holding New England's earliest residents.
Monroe, Connecticut

Grave of Ed and Lorraine Warren

Visit the grave of America's most prominent paranormal investigators and self-proclaimed demonologists.
New Haven, Connecticut

Judges Cave

The cave where two British judges hid in exile after sentencing the king to death.
Farmington, Connecticut

Hospital Rock

These etchings reveal the history of a long-gone quarantine site.