fearlessnoodle's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Plainville, Connecticut

Witch’s Dungeon

A seasonal movie monster museum featuring wax creations by a relative of one of the original Universal Studios monsters.
Cheshire, Connecticut

Barker Character, Comic and Cartoon Museum

A museum dedicated to antique toys, collectibles, and nostalgia.
Southington, Connecticut

Snedeker House

The "possessed" house that inspired "The Haunting in Connecticut" book and movie.
Waterbury, Connecticut

Abandoned Fairy Village

A miniature village lies nearly forgotten in the forest by the side of a major highway.
Gardner, Massachusetts

Grave of The Kneeland Maids

This donated headstone marks the grave of a pair of elderly women who were mysteriously murdered.
Ratlinghope, England

Grave of the Last Sin-Eater

A quiet country churchyard holds a monument to the last known sin-eater in England.
Leeds, England

Lawnswood Cemetery

This Victorian graveyard in Leeds is a macabre collection of beautiful tombs and memorials.
Silver Spring, Maryland

Aspin Hill Pet Cemetery

Dogs, cats, horses, monkeys, frogs, and fish are laid to rest at the second-oldest pet cemetery in the U.S.
Paris, France

Grave of Antoine-Augustin Parmentier

The tomb of history's greatest potato promoter is surrounded by tubers.
Baltimore, Maryland

Grave of John Wilkes Booth

A blank headstone topped with a pile of pennies marks the final resting place of the infamous assassin.
Sutton Courtenay, England

George Orwell's Grave

In a sleepy village in Oxfordshire, the visionary English writer's gravesite attracts a yearly pilgrimage.
Carthage, Tunisia

Tophet at Carthage

An ancient burial ground believed to have been used for ritual sacrifice.
Queens, New York

Houdini's Grave

The final resting place of the great escape artist, where some still gather to wait for his escape from death.
Paris, France

Grave of Philibert Aspairt

The tombstone of an unfortunate explorer who disappeared in the Paris Catacombs.
Baltimore, Maryland

Edgar Allan Poe's Grave

The trials and tribulations of marking Poe's grave.
Yeadon, Pennsylvania

Unmarked Grave of H.H. Holmes

America's first serial killer rests in anonymity.
Heysham, England

'Poet Philosopher & Failure' Gravestone

A succinct inscription commemorates the ebb and flow of a woman's life.
Brooklyn, New York

Green-Wood Cemetery

A Victorian cemetery in the heart of Brooklyn remains a popular mecca of morbid curiosity.
Nottinghamshire, England

Bessie Sheppard Stone

This lonely memorial marks the supposedly haunted site of a brutal 19th-century murder.
Exeter, Rhode Island

Grave of Mercy Brown

The final resting place of New England's last "vampire."
Providence, Rhode Island

H.P. Lovecraft’s Grave

Final resting place of one of the classic authors of horror literature.
Ballasalla, Isle of Man

Hassal Grave

Mysterious chains and iron stakes adorn this strange grave, with no explanation.
Athens, Greece

First Cemetery of Athens

The oldest cemetery of modern-day Athens blends the modern and ancient worlds.
Rahway, New Jersey

Grave of the Unknown Woman

The final resting place of a famous 19th-century murder victim whose identity is still a mystery.