cel3000's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Brattleboro, Vermont

Estey Organ Museum

Play everything you see at a museum dedicated to a town's historic organ industry.
Monticello, Minnesota

Swan Park

Thousands of majestic trumpeter swans fill this park, sounding distinctly like a certain brass instrument.
San Antonio, Texas

Giant Hog Stand

This big empty pig is a nostalgic throwback to mid-20th-century Texas barbecue.
Twentynine Palms, California

The Love Signs of Twentynine Palms

In California, colorful roadside signs remind us all that love transcends borders.
Mitaka, Japan

Inokashira Park Benzaiten Shrine

Legend says the goddess this shrine honors curses any couples that pass by.
Madison, Wisconsin

Picnic Point Beach House

This forgotten beach house built to look like a Frank Lloyd Wright masterpiece overlooks a hidden beach.
Calgary, Alberta

Udderly Art Pasture

A herd of colorfully painted bovine statues can be found in the middle of "cowtown."
New York, New York

Venetian Room

This lavish room at NYC's French Embassy is a rare relic from the end of the Gilded Age.
Waipu, New Zealand

Waipu Caves

A galaxy of glowworms—larvae of a gnat—hides deep in the belly of these caves.
Lemmon, South Dakota

Kokomo Gallery

This sculpture gallery is home to magnificent beasts made of scrap metal and found objects.
Kisoro, Uganda

Bwindi Impenetrable Forest

The home of half the world's population of critically endangered mountain gorillas.
Brooklyn, New York

Brooklyn Taxidermy

At this hidden studio, the dying art of taxidermy is alive and well.
Hallsands, England

Ruins of Hallsands

The abandoned fishing village was swept right into the sea.
London, England

One Tree Hill

A historic hill of tall tales, with one rather special tree.
Smyrna, New York

Wolf Mountain Nature Center

See wolves, coyotes, and arctic foxes in a natural environment smack in the middle of New York State.
Havana, Cuba


Castro's communist ice cream mothership has been serving five-scoop "salads" for over 50 years.
Topeka, Kansas

Great Mural Wall of Topeka

Topeka has its own great wall, and it's covered in colorful images from the city's history.
Newport, Rhode Island

Rose Island Lighthouse

You can spend the night as an honorary lighthouse keeper in this quaint, historic beacon.
Carson, California

Gnome Village

Gnomes have their very own bonsai-landscaped settlement on a university campus.
Rjukan, Norway

Giant Sun Mirrors of Rjukan

For six months of the year, three giant mirrors direct a pool of sunshine onto this otherwise occluded town.
Ōzora-chō, Japan

Shibazakura Park

Japan's largest area of "pink moss" turns the hillside bright pink every spring.
Monterey, California

Jellyfish Exhibit at Monterey Bay Aquarium

One of the most elaborate displays of Jellyfish is on display at the aquarium.
Haines, Alaska

Jilkaat Kwaan Heritage Center

The cultural center preserves the history of the Tlingit tribe, who have lived in this Alaska village for more than 10,000 years.
Hokkaidō, Japan

Blue Pond

This mesmerizingly colorful pond looks like a scene straight out of a fairytale.