cheyennestradinger's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Fort Belvoir, Virginia
Places visited in Monroeville, Pennsylvania
Places visited in Mobridge, South Dakota
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Holbrook, Arizona

The Wigwam Village #6

A motel dedicated to Southwestern nostalgia.
Las Vegas, Nevada

The Neon Museum

The neon signs from Las Vegas' past find their final resting place at this unusual graveyard.
Albuquerque, New Mexico

Grave of Walter White

The fictional star of "Breaking Bad" is memorialized with a real-life gravestone in his hometown.
Bjarnarhöfn, Iceland

Bjarnarhöfn Shark Museum

At this museum in Iceland, visitors can sample fermented Greenland shark.
Reykjavik, Iceland

Ingibjörg H. Bjarnason Statue

The first woman to become a member of the parliament of Iceland.
Reykjavik, Iceland

Hólavallagarður Cemetery

This verdant, tree-lined Reykjavik graveyard is both enchanting and eerie.
Reykjavik, Iceland

Bæjarins Beztu Pylsur

One of the oldest family businesses in Reykjavík serves lamb-based hot dogs.
Annapolis, Maryland

Kunta Kinte - Alex Haley Memorial

This statue honors the author's groundbreaking family story.
Detroit, Michigan

Giant Boxing Arm of Joe Louis

Controversial tribute to the heavyweight champion boxer who grew up in Detroit.
Detroit, Michigan

Michigan Central Station

A Beaux-Arts triumph rises from decades of decay to become the heart of a new innovation district
Detroit, Michigan

Heidelberg Project

One man's attempt to create an artistic wonder on a run-down block in Detroit.
Taos, New Mexico

D.H. Lawrence Forbidden Art

Reproductions of nine banned oil paintings coyly hidden behind a curtain in a New Mexico conference room.
Canterbury, England

West Gate Tower Museum

A defensive structure built during the Hundred Years War has remained useful in one way or another for nearly 700 years.
Canterbury, England

Alphege Windows

A set of medieval stained-glass windows tell the gruesome story of a Viking siege.
Canterbury, England

Tomb of the Black Prince

An impressive armored bronze effigy marks the tomb of one of the medieval era's greatest warriors.
Canterbury, England

The Great Cloister and Chapter House of Canterbury Cathedral

One of England's most famous churches hides a pair of little known architectural treasures.
Canterbury, England

Crooked House

This skewed English house has looked like it's going to fall over for centuries.
Oxford, England

The Sheldonian Theatre

A theatre built to house the rowdy Oxford graduation ceremonies became the stage for a debate about God's existence.
Washington, D.C.

Waldseemüller’s 1507 World Map

This groundbreaking 16th-century map is known as "America's birth certificate."
Washington, D.C.

Marilyn Monroe Mural

A tribute to the pop culture icon overlooks this Washington D.C. intersection.
Vancouver, British Columbia

'The Drop'

This exaggerated sculpture resembles a well known feature of Vancouver:
Vancouver, British Columbia

Kitsilano Pool

This scenic waterfront swimming pool is the longest salt water pool in North America.
Vancouver, British Columbia

The Sam Kee (Jack Chow) Building

At just six feet two inches deep, it is said by Guiness and Ripley to be the world’s narrowest freestanding office building.
Vancouver, British Columbia

'Giants' on Granville Island Silos

The colorful, smiling concrete silos of Vancouver.