dczippy's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Heimaey, Iceland
Places edited in Heimaey, Iceland
Places visited in Cerne Abbas, England
Places visited in Murshidabad, India
Places edited in Arnhem, Netherlands
Places visited in Namibia
Places visited in Nazca, Peru
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Washington, D.C.

D.C.’s Floating Chandeliers

Mysterious installations bring levity and light to a sometimes stodgy city.
Washington, D.C.

Joan of Arc Equestrian Statue

The only female equestrian statue in Washington, D.C. is a 15th-century French heroine.
Washington, D.C.

Spanish Steps

A terrace reminiscent of Rome's Spanish Steps is tucked away in a little park in Washington, D.C.
Amsterdam, Netherlands

De Riekermolen

A beautifully rebuilt windmill from the 17th century, situated along the Amstel River.
Cape Town, South Africa

The Most Southwestern Point of Africa

The Cape of Good Hope is not quite as low as you can go on the African continent, but it's still geographically significant.
Washington, D.C.

Taras Shevchenko Memorial

A small park honors the legendary Ukrainian poet.
Arlington, Virginia

Hall's Hill Wall

Remnants of a wall built to separate Black residents of Hall's Hill from a newly built subdivision are a grim reminder of segregation in 20th-century Virginia.
Fredericksburg, Virginia

Fréjus Place

This plaque celebrates the sister city relationship between Fredricksburg and Fréjus.
Washington, D.C.

Fort Reno Park

The only Civil War battle in Washington D.C. took place near this highest natural point in the city.
Washington, D.C.

'Cartwheel' Tower

Washington's top-secret Cold War-era doomsday communications tower is located in a small neighborhood park.
Denver, Colorado

Mayan Theatre

One of three remaining theatres in the United States created in the Art Deco Mayan Revival style.
Cerne Abbas, England

St. Augustine's Well

This miraculous well is said to heal the sick, grant wishes, and tell the future.
Washington, D.C.

Japanese Stone Lantern

A gift from Japan, 17th-century lantern stands among the cherry trees at D.C.'s Tidal Basin.
Princeton, New Jersey

Princeton Cemetery

The final resting place of many of New Jersey's most famous residents, including U.S. history's most in-vogue antagonist, Aaron Burr.
New York, New York

The Wizard of Park Avenue

A whimsical, but often overlooked clock in Park Avenue.
Rocky River, Ohio

Yorkie Doodle Dandy Memorial

Smoky, also known as "Yorkie Doodle Dandy," was a four-pound hero of World War II.
Cleveland, Ohio

West Side Market

This spectacular public market has got meat, fish, vegetables, baked goods, and enough kielbasa for a lifetime.
Cleveland, Ohio

World's Largest Rubber Stamp

Cleveland's giant "free" stamp is a nod to the Civil War, but was misinterpreted for years.
Cleveland, Ohio

Soldiers' and Sailors' Monument

The only depiction of Abraham Lincoln holding a weapon, and the names of all 9,000 Cuyahoga veterans of the Civil War.
Cleveland, Ohio

The Cleveland Arcade

Funded by John D. Rockefeller, this is one of the earliest, and most beautiful, shopping arcades in America.
Cleveland, Ohio

GE Chandelier

A dazzling display of lights and crystals.
Cleveland, Ohio

Steamship William G. Mather

This steamer is known as "The ship that built Cleveland."
Washington, D.C.

Watermelon House

This rowhouse doubles as one of the most photographed spots in the nation's capital.
Washington, D.C.

Andrew W. Mellon Memorial Fountain

A spectacular tribute to statesman and philanthropist Andrew Mellon.