Corinnec's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Middletown, Connecticut

Wild Bill's Nostalgia Store

A reliquary of pop culture marvels, including the world's largest (and most terrifying) Jack-in-the-Box.
Hartford, Connecticut

Museum of Natural and Other Curiosities

A wunderkammer hidden on the top floor of the Hartford statehouse.
Stratford, Connecticut

Zaffis Museum of the Paranormal

The intriguing personal collection of a professional demon-chaser.
Monroe, Connecticut

The Warrens’ Occult Museum

A collection of haunted artifacts chronicles the career of the world's most famous paranormal investigators.
Fair Haven, Vermont

Vermont's Marble Mansions

Two distinctive homes on a New England village green look like a couple of frosted wedding cakes.
Brattleboro, Vermont

Delectable Mountain Cloth

A treasure trove of rare and fine fabrics from around the world.
Stowe, Vermont

Mount Mansfield

The highest peak in the state of Vermont has some interesting features.
White River Junction, Vermont

Main Street Museum

Taxonomy experiment known for quirky collections.
Thetford, Vermont


This folk art dinosaur was almost pushed to extinction due to lack of a building permit.
Rutland, Vermont

Wilson Castle

A beautiful, creepy 19th-century castle stands incongruous in rural Vermont.
New Haven, Vermont

Grave of Timothy Clark Smith

A tomb with a window to ensure the interred wasn't buried alive.
Grafton, Vermont

The Nature Museum Feejee Mermaid

Antique gaffe kept in the basement of a small Vermont natural history museum.
Glover, Vermont

The Museum of Everyday Life

This "common-as-dirt" museum celebrates the glory of normalcy.
Derby, Vermont

Haskell Free Library and Opera House

This unusual building straddles two countries.
Stowe, Vermont

Emily’s Bridge

This New England covered bridge is home to the tale of a jilted lover known to haunt the area.
Bellows Falls, Vermont

Bellows Falls Petroglyphs

These mysterious petroglyphs in Vermont reflect a troubled history in the treatment of Native American culture.
Montpelier, Vermont

Green Mount Cemetery

Beautiful hillside Vermont cemetery with amazing funerary art.
Burlington, Vermont

Tallest Filing Cabinet on Earth

This 38-drawer structure claims the superlative title, but it isn't the world's only giant filing cabinet.
St. Johnsbury, Vermont

Fairbanks Museum and Planetarium

A New England curiosity cabinet, one hundred years on.
Brookfield, Vermont

Floating Bridge of Brookfield, VT

One car at a time please.
Corinth, Vermont

East Corinth

The quaint little Vermont town played a quaint little Connecticut town in Tim Burton's "Beetlejuice."
St. Johnsbury, Vermont

Dog Chapel

A small chapel celebrating the spiritual bond between dogs and humans.
Graniteville, Vermont

Rock of Ages Granite Quarry

Tour the world's largest deep-hole dimension granite quarry, where you can view the plant where gravestones are made and roll a ball down the outdoor granite bowling alley.
Greenfield, New Hampshire

Yankee Siege Trebuchet

This modern medieval weapon of war was built to toss pumpkins.