CrazyNomad's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Kandahar, Afghanistan

Chilzina and the Forty Steps of Kandahar

Rock-cut chamber at top of an outcroup, reached by a mountain stairway of forty steps.
Yakawlang, Afghanistan

Band-e Amir Lakes

Splashes of blue in an otherwise monotonous lunar landscape.
Dublin, Ireland

Saint Audoen's Gate

The enchanting archway is the only surviving portal into Dublin's lost medieval wall.
Shropshire, England

Titterstone Clee Hill

Centuries of human activity have forged an eerie landscape of ruins and craters on an exposed and windswept hilltop.
Ecchinswell, England

Watership Down

This grassy, tree-lined hill shares a name with the much-loved novel that it inspired.
Upper Heyford, England

RAF Upper Heyford

A rotting air force base is now home to rare birds and scarce plants.
Warwickshire, England

Edstone Aqueduct

The longest canal aqueduct in England was built without a plan to get water past the moving boats.
Oxford, England

The Headington Shark

A 26-foot shark sculpture—a statement about bombs—set off a municipal battle royale.
Oxford, England

Martyr's Mark

The spot where three Protestant clergymen were burned at the stake during the reign of "Bloody Mary."
Oxford, England

Alice's Shop

The shop where the girl who inspired the beloved character once bought sweets is now a book-themed commercial curiosity.
Oxford, England

Saint Margaret's Well

The medieval legend behind this holy well was one of the inspirations behind "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland."
Stratford-upon-Avon, England

Garden of Heroes and Villains

One of the largest sculpture collections in the U.K. features history's greats, from Bob Dylan to Galileo, in bronze.
Chipping Norton, England

Rollright Stones

This trio of neolithic stone monuments are fabled to be a king and his knights that were petrified by a witch.
Gloucestershire, England

Sezincote Estate

A majestic mansion designed in Mughalai style, complete with a turquoise onion dome.
Bourton-on-the-Water, England

Bourton-on-the-Water Model Village

A miniature village mimics the surrounding buildings so well it includes itself.
Swindon, England

Britain's Secret Underground Bunkers

There are hundreds of secret WWII bases hidden in British forests. Built to fight a Nazi invasion, they remained unknown for decades.
Fovant, England

Fovant Badges

Soldiers carved these regimental badges into the chalk hills in remembrance of those who died in World War I.
Gloucestershire, England

Chedworth Roman Villa

Deep in the countryside lie the remains of one of the grandest Roman dwellings in Britain.
Caerphilly, Wales

Sultan the Pit Pony

The enormous earthwork sculpture honors the ponies that lived and worked in the old colliery.
Alton Barnes, England

Alton Barnes White Horse

This massive chalk hill carving is one of England's most beloved giant horse geoglyphs.
Painswick, England

Painswick Rococo Garden

Asthmatic Charles Hyett's son built a fantastical garden for his father to convalesce in, alas it was too late.
Bratton, England

Westbury White Horse

A giant white horse drawn on an English hillside may not have been intended to be a horse at all.
Monmouth, Wales

Monnow Bridge

The only medieval bridge in Britain with its defensive tower still in tact.
Littledean, England

Littledean Jail and Museum of Crime

A 200-year-old prison that now houses a peculiar crime museum.