cun7ch3x's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Spring Mills, Pennsylvania

Penn's Cave

Sail through this subterranean show cave that is home to a legend that would go on to name nearly everything around it.
Breezewood, Pennsylvania

Abandoned Pennsylvania Turnpike

An abandoned stretch of highway, deteriorating next to the operational one.
Hellam, Pennsylvania

Hellam Township

Hellam Township is reputed to feature seven remote gates, which when passed through in the right order, open an entrance to hell.
Jamestown, Rhode Island

Clingstone House

Eco-friendly island mansion.
Newport, Rhode Island

The Swiss Village

A railroad magnate's replica village has become home to a genetic seed bank for rare breeds of livestock.
Newport, Rhode Island

The Bells

A crumbling stone stable and carriage house are all that remain of a manse that was once filled with Egyptian artifacts.
Providence, Rhode Island

Neutaconkanut Hill Park

A virtually untouched "home on the hill" for the flora and fauna of Rhode Island.
Providence, Rhode Island

H.P. Lovecraft’s Grave

Final resting place of one of the classic authors of horror literature.
New Hartford, Connecticut

Satan's Kingdom State Recreation Area

Who knew the Devil's domain was a hot spot for tubing?
Cheshire, Connecticut

Lock 12 Historical Park

This historic park site contains the last remnants of a once bustling canal system.
Hebron, Connecticut

Gay City State Park

The ruins of an abandoned 18th-century town that is slowly being reclaimed by the forest.
Hartford, Connecticut


An abandoned gun-funded 19th century utopia.
Woodbury, Connecticut

Hogpen Hill Farms

A famed data visualizer's personal sculpture garden is a landscape of modern and megalithic wonders.
Pomfret, Connecticut

The Abandoned Village of Bara-Hack

A few stone foundations and an old graveyard are all that is left of this once thriving settlement in the wilds of Connecticut.
Plainville, Connecticut

Witch’s Dungeon

A seasonal movie monster museum featuring wax creations by a relative of one of the original Universal Studios monsters.
Rocky Hill, Connecticut

Dinosaur State Park

The ancient past meets the retro-future at these dinosaur tracks that are protected by a geodesic dome.
New Haven, Connecticut

Crypt at Center Church-on-the-Green

137 graves holding New England's earliest residents.
Hartford, Connecticut

The Mark Twain House & Museum

The former home of Samuel Clemens and family remembers the happiest period of the author's life.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Fort Mifflin

This little-known Revolutionary War fort is supposedly haunted by the ghosts of its past.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Science History Institute

Instruments, apparatus, and rare books all relating to chemistry and its related sciences.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Laurel Hill Cemetery

This Philly cemetery is the eternal home of many famous area residents, including Rocky Balboa's wife.
Baltimore, Maryland

Vote Against Prohibition Sign

A faded sign from the 1920s remembers Baltimore's resistance toward banning alcohol.
Baltimore, Maryland

National Museum of Dentistry

George Washington's dentures and Queen Victoria's dental instruments are in the nation’s official museum of the dental profession.
Baltimore, Maryland

The Book Thing

This free, take-a-book shop seems like a trick but isn't.