fqjm76mf58's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Jackson, New Hampshire

Mount Washington

The highest point in the state of New Hampshire, and while unlikely "the worst weather in the world," it sure seems that way to hikers.
Stowe, Vermont

Trapp Family Lodge

Vermont's hills are alive with the sound of music at this historic hotel.
Waterbury, Vermont

Ben & Jerry's Flavor Graveyard

The sweetest graveyard in the world is filled with headstones for dearly de-pinted ice cream flavors.
Franconia, New Hampshire

Old Man of the Mountain Profiler Plaza

A serene plaza that commemorates one of the Granite State's most iconic figures.
Littleton, New Hampshire

Pollyanna Statue

A town wears its heart on the sleeve of a smiling girl, arms flung wide open in a cheerful greeting for all who encounter her.
Littleton, New Hampshire

Chutters Candy Store

According to the experts at the Guinness World's Record office, this is the longest candy counter in the world.
Somerville, Massachusetts

Sapphire City House

A home decorated by its owner with eye-catching and captivating assemblages of found objects
Concord, Massachusetts

Orchard House

Louisa May Alcott based “Little Women” on her experiences growing up in this house with her sisters.
Lincoln, Massachusetts


No one really knows how these old hobby horses got here, but the herd keeps growing.
Boston, Massachusetts

Museum of Bad Art

Museum dedicated to awful artwork.
Sintra, Portugal

Castelo dos Mouros (Castle of the Moors)

An ancient and majestic fortress that played an integral role in Portugal's road to independence.
Sintra, Portugal

Pena National Palace

This unreal Portuguese palace looks as though it's made from a pile of different castles.
Sintra, Portugal

Quinta da Regaleira

This eccentrically decorated palace is replete with grottoes, fountains, tunnels, and caves.
Colares, Portugal

Cabo da Roca

One Portuguese poet described this cape, the westernmost point in mainland Europe, as "where the land ends and the sea begins."
Boston, Massachusetts

The Ether Dome

19th-century operating theatre in which the use of ether was first demonstrated - plus, a skeleton and a mummy!
Boston, Massachusetts

Kelleher Rose Garden

One of the now-less-hidden floral gems of the "Emerald Necklace."
Cambridge, Massachusetts

Harvard Bridge

This bridge was the birthplace of a unit of measurement based on a fraternity joke.
Somerville, Massachusetts

Prospect Hill Tower

This tower commemorates the spot where George Washington hoisted the Grand Union flag.
Somerville, Massachusetts

Reliable Market

Eat first, shop later at this eatery within an Asian grocer.
Cambridge, Massachusetts

Thomas Magliozzi Plaque

This plaque is dedicated to one-half of the Magliozzi brothers and their hit radio show, 'Car Talk.'
Cambridge, Massachusetts

Blaschka Glass Flowers

Impossibly life-like natural history models created out of glass by a father and son.
Cambridge, Massachusetts

Harvard Lampoon Building

The headquarters of one of the world’s longest-running humor magazines bears a noticeable resemblance to a head wearing a Prussian helmet.
Cambridge, Massachusetts

Longfellow House

One of America's most historic homes also holds a startling literary legacy.
Cambridge, Massachusetts

O'Reilly Spite House

This is the house that spite built.