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Cambrils, Spain

En la Pla de les Serenes

This amazing piece of modern art honors the hundreds of fishermen killed during Cambrils' "year of misfortunes."
Paracuellos de Jarama, Spain

Paracuellos Massacres Cross at the Madrid Airport

The mysterious large white cross visible from the runway is a memorial to a massacre during Spanish Civil War.
Oviedo, Spain

The Mafalda Monument

The much-loved protagonist of famed Argentinian comics can be found sitting on a park bench.
Cáceres, Spain

Don Alvaro Alley

Fragments of human bones are embedded in the walls of this quaint alley.
La Palma, Spain

Stone Man of Pico de la Fuente Nueva

A rocky face gazes out over an enormous volcanic crater.
Alicante, Spain

Calle de Las Setas (The Mushroom Street)

Down this yellow brick road, visitors are treated to toadstool houses and massive mushroom sculptures.
Santo Domingo de Silos, Spain

Sad Hill Cemetery

This haunting location was featured in the final scene of a classic spaghetti western.
Asturias, Spain

Cares Gorge

A spectacular walk on the flank of a gorge.
Romangordo, Spain

Trampantojo Art of Romangordo

This small Spanish village is home to dozens of public paintings meant to trick the eye.
Ibiza, Spain

Festival Club

The abandoned club hides in the hills of Ibiza.
Alicante, Spain

Central Market Building

This magnificent market stands as a poignant symbol of the suffering caused by the Spanish Civil War.
Cangas del Narcea, Spain

Cantabrian Bears of Asturias

Head to the mountains to catch a glimpse of Spain's endangered subspecies of brown bear.
La Palma, Spain

The Colorful Balconies of Avenida Maritima

These wooden balconies that are both decorative and functional.
Ontinyent, Spain

Pou Clar

Locals use these rock pools and waterfalls for swimming and cliff diving.
Oviedo, Spain

Portada de la Antigua Iglesia de San Isidoro (Arch of the Old Church of San Isidoro)

The surviving remnants of a destroyed medieval church now stand in a public park.
Segovia, Spain

The Selfie Devil

A controversial art piece that harkens back to local folklore.
Guadalajara, Spain

Osborne Bull

Originally used to sell brandy, the bull-shaped billboard became an iconic symbol of Spain.
Llívia, Spain

Esteve Pharmacy

This 15th century pharmacy displays a beautiful collection of ancient medicine jars.
Camelle, Spain

Museum of the German

Open air sculptures by an eccentric and loin-clothed hermit.
Salamanca, Spain

Cave of Salamanca

A hidden medieval crypt where a famous legend says the devil used to teach black magic.
Épila, Spain

Basanta - The House of God

The quirky - and private - constructions of a secluded artist depict the house of God.
Montoro, Spain

Casa de Las Conchas - The House of Shells

A house covered entirely with shells.
La Palma, Spain

La Fajana Natural Pools

You can soak in three relaxing pools filled daily by the tide.
Casabermeja, Spain

Millennial Olive of Arroyo Carnicero

This surreal-looking tree pruned more than 1,000 years ago is still producing olives for oil.