deborahcrane's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Milwaukee, Wisconsin

The American Geographical Society Library

Literally a million fascinating cartographic artifacts are held in this sprawling university collection.
Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Mary Nohl House

A house and yard adorned with bizarre concrete sculptures in a Milwaukee suburb.
Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Swing Park

An off-the-beaten-path place to literally hang beneath Milwaukee's Holton Street Bridge.
Milwaukee, Wisconsin


A place to eat for on-the-run agents and espionage enthusiasts.
Sioux Falls, South Dakota

Watecha Bowl

Chef Lawrence West serves up Indian tacos, wojapi, and other Lakota dishes at the brick-and-mortar incarnation of his popular food truck.
Vermillion, South Dakota

National Music Museum

One of the world's most definitive collections of musical instruments, spanning all cultures and historical periods.
Alliance, Nebraska


An experimental, automotive replica of Stonehenge.
Sioux Falls, South Dakota

Buffalo Ridge 1880 Cowboy Town

This Wild West attraction is alive with glitching automatons.
Vermillion, South Dakota

Spirit Mound Historic Prairie

Known as "The Hill of the Little Devils."
Lemmon, South Dakota

Kokomo Gallery

This sculpture gallery is home to magnificent beasts made of scrap metal and found objects.
Detroit, Michigan

The World's Largest Stove

Weighing 30,000 pounds, this monument represents Detroit's first industrial era.
Detroit, Michigan

Lincoln Street Art Park

This former industrial site has transformed into a community sculpture garden that hosts monthly Full Moon parties.
Detroit, Michigan

Giant Cow Head

Standing guard on top of an old, vacant ice cream shop.
Detroit, Michigan

The Raven Lounge

One of Detroit’s oldest blues clubs stands in defiance of the passage of time and the city’s shifting fortunes.
Detroit, Michigan

Baker's Keyboard Lounge

The world's oldest operating jazz club has been in operation since May 1934.
Detroit, Michigan

Murals in the Market

Detroit’s Eastern Market has been transformed into an outdoor museum with colorful murals that address social issues and symbolize the city.
Detroit, Michigan

Guardian Building Art Deco Lobby

To truly appreciate Detroit's landmark skyscraper, you have to step inside.
Detroit, Michigan

Giant Boxing Arm of Joe Louis

Controversial tribute to the heavyweight champion boxer who grew up in Detroit.
Detroit, Michigan

John K. King Used & Rare Books

This sprawling bookstore spans four floors and has more than a million books in stock.
Detroit, Michigan

Monumental Kitty

This feline raises a friendly paw at drivers barreling toward the freeway.
Detroit, Michigan

Heidelberg Project

One man's attempt to create an artistic wonder on a run-down block in Detroit.
Hamtramck, Michigan

Hamtramck Disneyland

A wacky two-story folk-art assemblage of carved and found objects, with lights, motion, and sound now in need of financial support.
Detroit, Michigan

Belle Isle Aquarium

The Beaux-Arts aquarium boasts a vast collection of saltwater and freshwater fish on an island in the Detroit River.
Dover, Ohio

Warther Museum

The spectacular collection of one of the world's best woodcarvers.