dgraves's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Arlington, Washington

Giant Cedar Stump

At a rest stop north of Seattle, the trunk of an ancient tree.
Lemon Cove, California

John Muir Statue

This massive statue of John Muir on the side of a California highway was carved from a redwood tree.
Santa Monica, California

International Chess Park

This well-traveled chess park offers scenic views of the pacific and a colorful, eclectic clientele.
Riverside, California

Tio's Tacos

Mexican food and folk art.
Port Orchard, Washington

Elandan Gardens

Bonsai trees that are up to a thousand years old.
Sacramento, California

Tower Bridge

Art Deco stylings conceal the true nature of this bridge.
Tehachapi, California

Tehachapi Wind Farm

Thousands of turbines whir at at the origin of North American wind power.
Shandon, California

James Dean Memorial Junction

A remote crossroads honoring a fallen talent.
Kingsburg, California

Swedish Coffee Pot Tower

A water tower shaped like a giant coffee pot looms over a small Swedish village in Central California.
Morro Bay, California

Morro Rock

A massive volcanic plug is now a protected area that hosts a number of bird species.
Pacifica, California

Linda Mar Taco Bell

The most beautiful Taco Bell in the world even has surfboard parking.
Park City, Utah

I-80 Wildlife Overpass

The largest wildlife crossing in Utah allows local fauna to safely traverse the six-lane Interstate 80 at Parleys Canyon.
Salt Lake City, Utah

Snelgrove Ice Cream Cone

This giant ice cream cone is the last remaining icon of a Salt Lake City staple.
Wendover, Utah

Metaphor: The Tree of Utah

A 90-foot-tall psychedelic "tree" on the side of the highway has baffled passersby for decades.
Lehi, Utah

Museum of Ancient Life

Largest collection of mounted dinosaur specimens in the world.
Wendover, Utah

Bonneville Salt Flats / Bonneville Speedway

Come for the speed, leave in love with the desert.
Sparks, Nevada

Last Chance Joe

The colossal cartoon man stands outside a Nevada museum.
Battle Mountain, Nevada

Armpit of America

Small Nevada town embraced its designation as the "Armpit of America" with an Old Spice-sponsored festival.
Imlay, Nevada

Thunder Mountain Monument

The self-made house sculpture of an outsider artist who named himself "Chief Rolling Thunder."
Baker, California

World's Largest Thermometer

This giant temperature attraction created some giant electric bills.
Primm, Nevada

Prizm Outlets

This former shopping outlet is now adorned with beautiful graffiti and murals.
Las Vegas, Nevada

The Big Edge

A giant open-air sculpture made of over 200 full-sized boats.
Las Vegas, Nevada


These banned cigarette vending machines now sell little pieces of pocket-sized art.
Palo Alto, California

Gates of Hell Sculpture

Rodin's famous depiction of Dante's 'Inferno', amidst a sculpture garden of many of his other works.