diffendale's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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diffendale's activity rankings
Places visited in Pompeii, Italy
Places edited in Constanța, Romania
Places visited in Petersham, Massachusetts
Places visited in Rieti, Italy
Places visited in Meknes, Morocco
Places visited in Messinia, Greece
Places visited in Acharnes, Greece
Places visited in Rome, Italy
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Athens, Greece

Aiolou Street Excavation Site

An ancient site that has revealed incredible artifacts including portions of the Themistoclean Wall.
Alexandria, Egypt

Bibliotheca Alexandrina

The lost library of Alexandria, revived as a spearhead of cultural preservation.
Florence, Italy

Il Fatidico Sgabello

Florence’s archaeological museum displays an ordinary stool that once shattered one of its most prized artifacts.
Rome, Italy

Museo Barracco di Scultura Antica

An expansive collection donated by an heirless nobleman formed this admission-free civic museum.
Lancaster, Pennsylvania

Landis Valley Museum

This museum focuses on the history and culture of the German settlers in Pennsylvania.
Naples, Italy

Cavalli di Bronzo

These bronze horses on the gates of the Royal Palace of Naples were a gift from a Russian tsar.
Naples, Italy

Bar Nilo

Locals pay their respects at a shrine to soccer player Diego Maradona—which claims to contain a real lock of his hair.
Rome, Italy

Arco dei Farnesi

This unassuming bridge is most likely one of Michelangelo's unfinished masterworks.
Naples, Italy

Church of Santa Maria la Nova

Does this church in Naples hold the true tomb of Vlad the Impaler, the notoriously cruel figure who inspired Bram Stoker's Dracula?
Ann Arbor, Michigan

West Side Book Shop

For books about travel, whether factual or fictional, the perfect antiquarian does exist.
Northampton, Massachusetts

Restroom Works of Art

Two artist-designed restrooms are part of the collection at the Smith College Museum of Art.
Sturbridge, Massachusetts

Old Sturbridge Village

The largest living museum in the Northeast recreates life from the Early Republic period complete with costumed historians and reenactors.
Alexandria, Egypt

Qaitbay Citadel

This fortress was built using the last surviving stones from the Lighthouse of Alexandria, one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World.
Ercolano, Italy

House of the Wooden Partition

Well-preserved, still-functional sliding wood doors from Ancient Rome can be found in this Vesuvius-stricken house.
Silanus, Italy

Nuraghe and Church of Santa Sabina

A lone nuraghe and a little old church with mysterious origins.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Charles Addams Fine Arts Hall

This fine arts hall honors the mastermind behind our beloved creepy and kooky Addams Family.
Pentidattilo, Italy


A ghost town on the slopes of a hand-shaped rock is haunted by the story of a 17th-century murder.
Sortino, Italy

Necropolis of Pantalica

Thousands of rock-cut tombs fill the cliffs of this Sicilian nature preserve.
Athens, Greece

To Steki Tou Ilia

Tear apart fatty, gently charred lamb chops with your bare hands.
West Springfield, Massachusetts

Josiah Day House

The oldest brick saltbox house in America.
Petronell-Carnuntum, Austria

Römerstadt Carnuntum (Roman City Carnuntum)

A rebuilt Roman city that was once the largest Roman settlement in the region.
Rome, Italy

Tomb of Eurysaces the Baker

A freedman baker’s lavish tomb has a relief showing various stages of Roman bread making.
Naples, Italy

Via Port’Alba

This 17th-century passageway is home to numerous bookshops, a witch legend, and the oldest pizzeria in the world.
Syracuse, Italy

Fountain of Arethusa

According to Greek mythology, this natural spring is the home of a freshwater nymph.