djclarkson7's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Darlington, England

Brick Train

A locomotive made from 185,000 bricks celebrates the town's pioneering railway history.
Marton-in-Cleveland, England

Captain Cook Birthplace Museum

Sidney Scurvy, the interactive computer sailor, takes you on a journey to discover the everyday lives of Cook and his men.
Zennor, England

Mermaid Chair

This wooden chair dates possibly back to the 15th century, and commemorates a local legend.
Brighton, England

The Chattri

This memorial to the thousands of Indian dead during WWI was callously used for target practice during WWII.
Saint Briavels, England

St Briavels Castle

You can enjoy a (possibly haunted) stay at the medieval Norman castle that was once a favorite hunting lodge of King John.
York, England

Hob Moor and Plague Stones

When the plague struck York, this stone was used to leave supplies for the sick.
Great Leighs, England

The Witch Stone of Great Leighs

Near this allegedly haunted pub, you can find strong spirits on the rocks.
Oxford, England

Folly Bridge

The spot where Oxford garnered its name was also home to a medieval philosopher and includes a house covered in statues.
Northumberland, England

Temple of Mithras, Carrawburgh

This temple was constructed entirely by Roman soldiers.
Penrith, England

Lacy's Caves

A series of idealized caves carved to entertain guests.
Wakefield, England

Sandal Castle

Though much of the castle was robbed of its stones, the underlying earthworks are among the best-preserved in England.
Lympne, England

Portus Lemanis

The ruins of a Roman fort lie in the shadows of an imposing medieval castle.
Covehithe, England

Ruins of St Andrew's Covehithe

A 17th-century church is nestled within the walls of a 15th-century ruin.
Cumbria, England


The sculptural remains of the last home of a legendary Dada artist.
Pluckley, England

Dering Wood

A woodland close to England's "most haunted village" has been the site of many unexplained events and deaths.
Devon, England


An allegorical statue of a giant pregnant woman representing justice and truth.
Gloucestershire, England

Lydney Camp

Home to the ancient Roman temple of a lesser-known Celtic god that inspired J. R. R. Tolkien and H. P. Lovecraft.
Nottinghamshire, England

Papplewick Pumping Station

This Victorian marvel of engineering and artistic prowess is nicknamed the "Cathedral of Steam."
Cambridge, England

Fourwentways Bronze Age Cemetery

A 4,000-year-old burial site hides behind a roadside Burger King.
Brighton, England

The Daddy Long Legs Seashore Railway

The remnants of a strange stilted building on rails can still be seen at low tide.
London, England

Wandsworth Roundabout Underpass

This underpass became an unlikely piece of cinematic history after its appearance in 'A Clockwork Orange.'
Durham, England

Palace Green Library

This library dates back to the late 17th century and was one of the first public lending libraries in England.
Boroughbridge, England

Devil's Arrows

At 22 feet tall, these Bronze Age monoliths are some of the tallest standing stones in the United Kingdom.
King's Lynn, England


This captivating Bronze Age timber circle spent centuries concealed by the tides.