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Oppède, France

The Ruins of Oppede-le-Vieux

These medieval ruins have survived since the 12th century, even providing shelter from the Nazis.
Bollène, France

Barry Troglodyte Village

Series of underground houses inhabited continuously for centuries.
Vascœuil, France

Dali's Statue of Liberty

To the famous surrealist artist, liberty required two torches held high.
Paris, France

Lines of Cremains at Père Lachaise Cemetery

Stripes of human ashes cover a back lawn in the most sought-after burial grounds in Paris.
Etsaut, France

Chemin de la Mâture

This narrow path was cut right into a French mountainside to feed the country's early naval expansion.
Réotier, France

Petrified Fountain of Réotier

This otherworldly French waterfall looks like its waters have turned to stone.
Nébias, France

Labyrinthe Vert de Nebias

Green labyrinth formed by a karstic maze hidden in a preserved oak forest.
Nice, France

La Crypte Archéologique de Nice

The construction of a tram line unveiled hidden remnants of the old medieval city.
Montrichard Val de Cher, France

La Cave des Roches (Mushroom Caves)

Miles of man-made caves and tunnels are currently used for cultivating mushrooms.
Arles, France

Arles's Cryptoporticous

A unique underground structure dating back to the 1st century BC.
Barbâtre, France

Passage du Gois

This submersible road connecting a French island to the mainland is lined with safety towers for when the tide strands travelers.
Huelgoat, France

Trembling Rock

If they push on just the right spot, even the weakest person can move this titanic boulder.
Bar-le-Duc, France

Transi de René de Chalon

Statue of a decomposing prince that once held his heart in its hand.
Naours, France

Cité souterraine de Naours (Underground City of Naours)

A centuries-old complex of hand-dug stone chambers has sheltered locals in times of trouble.
Rustrel, France

Ochre Quarry in Colorado Provençal

One of the largest ochre quarries in the world, hidden in a limestone landscape.
Rouen, France

Tower of Joan of Arc

This medieval tower is all that remains of the castle where Joan of Arc was held before being burned at the stake.
Marville, France

Marville Ossuary

The remains of 40,000 humans, meticulously stacked in a tiny churchyard shed.
Lyon, France

Jardin Rosa Mir

A tiled, multi-level garden of survival in Lyon.
Saint-Rivoal, France

Mont Saint-Michel de Brasparts

An isolated 17th-century chapel on a remarkable site once dedicated to Celtic sun worship.
Carnac, France

Carnac Stones

Hundreds of prehistoric stones, arranged in perfect lines in a French field.
Ablain-Saint-Nazaire, France

Ruined Church of Ablain-Saint-Nazaire

The 16th-century church was kept in its ruined state as a reminder of the casualties of World War I.
Souzay-Champigny, France

Parcours Troglodytique

Ivy-covered Medieval tunnels cut through this charming town in France's Loire Valley.
Albi, France

Albi Cathedral

A medieval church with largest and oldest collection of Renaissance frescoes in France.
Risoul, France

Plan de Phazy

Since ancient times these picturesque springs have been providing bathers with healing waters.