lizaboglivi's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Paris, France

Musée Carnavalet

A museum on the history of Paris, including a set of Napoleon's toiletries, Proust's room, and relics of the Revolution.
Paris, France

Parc Monceau

The ruins of a Duke's bucolic dream, where camels once roamed alongside "Dutch" windmills and faux-Italian vineyards.
Paris, France

Montparnasse Cemetery

A Parisian cemetery where the elite and artistic are interred beneath an eccentric collection of tombs.
Paris, France

Sculptures de Décure

Exquisite wall sculptures carved in secret by an early quarryman in an obscure corner of the Paris Catacombs.
Paris, France

Le Défenseur du Temps (The Defender of Time)

A mechanized clock where a man fights off a dragon, crab, and rooster.
Quito, Ecuador

Museo Franciscano del Padre Almeida

This overlooked, beautiful convent hides an original Hieronymus Bosch among its many treasures.
Norwich, England

Norwich Castle Museum

This medieval castle is filled with an eccentric collection that ranges from ancient Egyptian artifacts to taxidermy to a mummified hand that was cut off during a duel.
Stockholm, Sweden

'The Battle of Gotland 1361' Exhibit

This grisly exhibit houses skeletons and weapons from a devastating 14th-century clash.
Paris, France

Musée de Cluny

Medieval museum built over Roman baths that features famous tapestries of a lady and a unicorn.
Brooklyn, New York

Newtown Creek Nature Walk

Nature and beauty amidst pollution and industrial wreckage.
New York, New York

Cafe at the Swedish Church of New York

Finally, you don't have to be a pious Swedish seaman to relax like one.
London, England

Ernest Shackleton Statue

The famous polar explorer stands outside the Royal Geographical Society's headquarters.
London, England

British Optical Association Museum

The world's oldest optical museum is an odd collection where the exhibits look at you.
London, England

British Library Treasures Gallery

The library houses an incredible collection of some of the world's most impressive books and manuscripts.
London, England

'Treatment Rooms' Mosaic House

This home on a quiet suburban street is completely covered with vibrant mosaics.
London, England

Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology

An small and easily overlooked archaeology museum chock full of Egyptian artifacts.
London, England

Finch and Co Antiques

English antique dealers with a taste for the unusual.
London, England

Old Operating Theatre Museum & Herb Garret

In this cobwebbed old operating theater, you can practically hear the screams of the unanesthetized patients.
London, England

Hunterian Museum

The anatomical-pathological collection of a man who changed surgery.
London, England

Temple of Mithras

Rebuilt remains of a temple to Roman god Mithras.
London, England

The London Dungeon

One part local history, 99 parts gruesome haunted house.
London, England

Natural History Museum of London

Eighty million natural history specimens call this gargantuan museum home.
London, England

The Viktor Wynd Museum of Curiosities, Fine Art & Natural History

This shop and gallery is a modern-day cabinet of curiosities, unassumingly positioned along an urban thoroughfare.
Venice, Italy

Portrait of the Four Tetrarchs

This Roman statue is missing a limb from when the Venetians stole it from Constantinople during the Crusades.