lyndaschmich's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Ukiah, California

City of 10,000 Buddhas

One of the largest Buddhist communities in the West sits on the site of an old hospital.
Beverly Hills, California

'Celluloid' Monument

A tribute to the movie stars who fought to keep Beverly Hills separate from Los Angeles.
Weaverville, California

Weaverville Joss House

This Taoist temple is the oldest continuously used Chinese temple in California.
Los Angeles, California

Whimsical Metal Sculptures on Palms and Marco Place

Perched high atop telephone poles is an uncanny outdoor art gallery that greets passersby on their commute.
Malibu, California

Keller House

The stone walls of a home built to withstand a California wildfire still stand after more than a century.
Stockton, California

Pixie Woods

This hidden amusement park is a magical escape for kids and kids-at-heart.
Sacramento, California

Johnny Cash Mural

This 15-story mural celebrates the 50th anniversary of the musician's iconic "At Folsom Prison" album.
Emeryville, California

Big Daddy's Complete Rejuvenating Community Garden

This small oasis of flora and art was created in remembrance of a local auto business owner.
Milpitas, California

Great Mall of Milpitas

This giant shopping mall still holds signs of its automotive past.
Oxnard, California

La Jenelle Park

Rusty pieces of metal jutting out of a breakwater are all that's visible of the 12,500-ton ocean liner that capsized just off the beach.
Mill Valley, California

B612 Foundation

Astronomers plan to launch a space telescope into orbit, to find out what exactly stands in the way of an asteroid hitting Earth.
South Pasadena, California

'Halloween' House • The Century House

The famous blue house from the classic horror film "Halloween" is now a local landmark.
San Francisco, California

California Historical Society Headquarters

A former hardware store near Yerba Buena is the official home of California's history.
San Francisco, California

Heineman Building

This tall and trim architectural oddity is one of the skinniest buildings in San Francisco.
Encinitas, California

Encinitas Boat Houses

These unusual houses look like giant boats that washed ashore on a residential street.
Lake Elsinore, California

Elsinore Naval and Military School

This stately structure has been abandoned for half a century.
San Francisco, California

Uncle John's Tree at McLaren Lodge

San Francisco’s century-old Christmas Tree.
Monterey, California

Casa del Oro

The first safe in this California town had to hold all the gold.
Los Angeles, California

Metropolitan Pit Stop

This vintage car parts store is also a museum devoted to a squat little gem of automotive history.
Carmel-by-the-Sea, California

Calla Lily Valley

This little valley along Highway 1 is engulfed by thousands of lilies during the spring season.
Mecca, California

Dos Palmas and San Andreas Springs

These lush groves of fan palms rise up like oases out of southern California's Colorado Desert.
Los Angeles, California

Crossroads of the World

A few iconic structures are all that remain of America’s first outdoor shopping mall.
Malibu, California

The Paul Williams-designed Roberts' House

A bomb shelter and some fireplaces are all that remain of the house Fred Roberts tried so hard to keep standing.
Three Rivers, California

Tharp’s Log

A 19th-century cabin built into a hollowed-out Sequoia tree.