Mathias Van de Velde's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Palenque, Mexico
Places edited in Cancún, Mexico
Places visited in Königswinter, Germany
Places visited in Valladolid, Mexico
Places edited in Valladolid, Mexico
Places visited in Villahermosa, Mexico
Places visited in Mérida, Mexico
Places edited in Leuven, Belgium
Places edited in Doha, Qatar
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Ronda, Spain

Museo Lara

An eccentric collection of antique items shares space with a prop-quality witchcraft museum.
Ronda, Spain

Puente Nuevo

One of the most spectacular bridges in Spain spans a narrow chasm that divides the city of Ronda.
Ronda, Spain

Ronda, Spain

Three bridges and one giant canyon make up this fantastic Spanish settlement.
Benalmádena, Spain

Castillo Monumento Colomares

A New York–based physician returned home to Spain to build his own elaborate monument to Christopher Columbus.
Setenil de las Bodegas, Spain

Setenil De Las Bodegas

A Spanish town built into the cliffs.
Fez, Morocco

The Fez Mellah

The designated Jewish quarter in Fez dates back to the 15th century.
Fez, Morocco

Al-Attarine Madrasa

The courtyard of this small Marinid madrasa is a dazzling example of intricate Islamic architecture.
Fez, Morocco

University of Al-Karaouine

The oldest known university in the world is in Fez, Morocco.
Fez, Morocco

Merenid Tombs

Crumbling necropolis set high above Fez.
Fez, Morocco

Chouara Leather Tannery

Traditional 11th-century outdoor tannery.
Fez, Morocco

Fes el-Bali

Thousands of narrow alleyways in an ancient medieval city make up what's believed to be the world's largest car-free urban zone.
Fez, Morocco

The Blue Gate of Fes

The other side is actually green.
Johannesburg, South Africa

Neighbourgoods Market

A growing popular hipster market with over 100 local specialties and live music.
Dollaaskraal, South Africa

Sudwala Dinosaur Park

Jurassic Park in South Africa.
Breede River DC, South Africa

Ronnie's Sex Shop

“The oddest pub in South Africa,” inspired by a practical joke.
Cape Town, South Africa

Chapman's Peak Drive

This road winds through the steep coastal cliffside offering spectacular views for those who brave the drive.
Dollaaskraal, South Africa

Sudwala Caves

These otherworldly caverns form Earth's oldest known cave system.
Cape Town, South Africa

Boulders Beach Penguin Sanctuary

This African beach is home to thousands of rare mainland penguins that are known for their annoying voice.
Ehlanzeni, South Africa

Bourke's Luck Potholes

Raging waters have created a strange geological site that looks like something off of a progressive rock album cover.
Leuven, Belgium

Paep Thoon

Banished from town, this local jester concocted a clever return.
Leuven, Belgium


A giant bug impaled on a 75-foot-tall needle.
Leuven, Belgium

Fons Sapientiae

This whimsical statue dumps water on its head to symbolize knowledge flowing into his brain. Or maybe booze.
Grijpskerke, Netherlands

Middellandse Zeetuin Uilenbroek

A family-run botanical garden with tropical plants, artsy sculptures, and eccentric buildings.
Reims, France

Joan of Arc Statue

An image of the legendary saint stands in the shadow of a cathedral she liberated.