EmJ's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Dresden, Germany

Pillnitz Camellia

An engineering wonder at Pillnitz Castle protects a precious 230-year-old flowering shrub.
Berlin, Germany

Knut the Polar Bear

Berlin's beloved bear is immortalized at the Museum für Naturkunde.
Waldeck, Germany

The Drowned Convent and Village of Berich

As lake waters recede, a German village reemerges after more than a hundred years.
Schleiden, Germany

Ordensburg Vogelsang

This former Nazi castle was built as a school to train what would have been the future of the Third Reich.
Dingolfing, Germany

Dingolfing Ossuary

In a small churchyard in Dingolfing, Germany the quaint Schusterkapelle is there to remind you of your imminent mortality.
Frankfurt, Germany


This unique exhibit "Dialogue in the Dark" reverses roles as the visionless become guides and the sighted become ‘blind.’
Bingen, Germany


The many—66 to be exact—faces of the German forest.
Guben, Germany


The home of the morbid art of corpse plastination is open for visitors to view the fascinating, but stomach-churning process.
Berlin, Germany


Berliners converted a bombed-out, disused lot into a community-run urban farm with its own cafe and bar.
Flossenbürg, Germany

Flossenbürg Concentration Camp

A preserved Nazi labor camp now has a Holocaust museum on site and memorials to the thousands that died while imprisoned at the camp.
Berlin, Germany

German-Russian Museum

A museum in the building where Nazi Germany signed its surrender tells the story of World War II from the Soviet perspective.
Rangsdorf, Germany

Abandoned Airfield Rangsdorf

The ruined remains of the airport Claus von Stauffenberg departed in his failed attempt to kill Adolf Hitler.
Munich, Germany


Go surfing on this urban wave, "hacked" by local surfers.
Heidelberg, Germany

The Prinzhorn Collection

A collection of artworks exclusively created by the mentally ill that was almost burned by Nazi culture police.
Templin, Germany

Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster Traffic Signs

The world's most delightful not-NOT-religion welcomes visitors to the town of Templin, just like its more stoic peers.
Friedrichshafen, Germany

Zeppelin Museum

Enter the cabin of a life-sized Hindenburg replica.
Binz, Germany


Hitler's bleak vision of relaxation still stands as a mostly abandoned 10,000-room resort complex.
Berlin, Germany

Otto Weidt's Workshop for the Blind

A brush maker used his factory to protect blind Jews from the Gestapo.
Quedlinburg, Germany

Quedlinburg Abbey

The medieval institution is home to the precious treasure stolen in World War II in one of the greatest art thefts of the 20th century.
Königswinter, Germany


This temple to the sturm and drang of Richard Wagner contains a dragon's cave and reptile zoo full of living "dragons."
Hildesheim, Germany

The Thousand-Year Rose

The world's oldest rose is so tough it survived being bombed in World War II.
Berlin, Germany

The 'Hand with Watch' Sculpture

Known simply as "The Hand," this famous public sculpture in Berlin was featured in a Depeche Mode music video.
Schleswig, Germany

The Bog Bodies at the Schleswig-Holstein Landesmuseum

Ample proof that watery ends make for well-preserved, millenia-old mummies.
Magdeburg, Germany

Grüne Zitadelle (Green Citadel)

The architect of this fanciful complex called it an "oasis for humanity and nature in a sea of rational houses."