EmJ's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Stockport, England

The Garden House

This delightful hidden farm is home to Victorian ruins and a wonderful menagerie of animals.
Ripon, England

Ripon Cathedral Crypt

Reputedly based on the tomb of Jesus Christ, this crypt is the oldest surviving structure of any cathedral in England.
Southampton, England

The Wool House

This 700-year-old storehouse was a POW jail, aviation workshop, and Titanic memorial before becoming a brewpub.
Milbourne, England

The Millbourne Lane Phone Box Library

A classic red phone box converted into an informal village library.
Goathland, England

Goathland Station

Harry Potter’s Hogsmeade Station is also a charming blast from the past situated in North Yorkshire.
Hertfordshire, England

St Mary's Church

Home to one of the tallest church spires in Europe, this historic church once played host to King Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn.
South Yorkshire, England

The Birley Spa Bathhouse

This old Victorian bathhouse is fed by an ancient spring.
Arnside, England

Arnside Bore

This rare aquatic phenomenon is one of the more accessible tidal bores in Morecambe Bay.
Donna Nook, England

Gray Seals of Donna Nook

The adorable animals return to this nature reserve every fall to give birth to their pups.
Fulmodeston, England

The Ruins of St. Mary's Church

In the quiet village of Fulmodestion, the ruins of a medieval church remain hidden among vines and foliage.
Bude, England

Bude Castle

A quirky "castle" formerly belonging to a famous British inventor.
Bishopthorpe, England

York Solar System Trail

Cycle the solar system—from the sun to Pluto—right here on earth.
Bishop Auckland, England

Auckland Castle Deer House

This Georgian Gothic building was created to shelter and feed deer.
Seaham, England

Seaham Hall Beach

For decades, a bottle factory dumped their waste into these waters—now it's considered the best sea glass beach in England.
Birchington-on-Sea, England

Powell-Cotton Dioramas

An English explorer's vast natural history collection has the first realistic dioramas of animals staged in their natural habitats.
Isles of Scilly, England

Bishop Rock

At high tide, the base of the lighthouse covers practically every inch of the island.
Lower Beeding, England

Leonardslee Lakes and Gardens

This breathtakingly beautiful botanical garden is home to a mob of wonderful wallabies.
Grasmere, England

Dove Cottage

This charming English house was once the home of England's most famous poet.
Albury, England

Silent Pool

This peaceful oasis appears dreamy, but it's also the site of a nightmarish legend.
Borrowdale, England

The Bowder Stone

A 2,000-ton rock resting in a state of a delicate balance.
Allendale Town, England

Neil Cole's Adventures in Science Fiction: Museum of Sci-fi

Aliens and monsters lurk inside this museum dedicated to one man's lifelong adoration of all things sci-fi.
Canterbury, England

Beaney House of Art and Knowledge

A wonderfully eccentric Victorian-era museum and library.
Lynford, England

Grime's Graves

A strange and ancient landscape hides the dark, cavernous remains of a 5,000-year-old flint mine.
Cheshire East, England

Hack Green Secret Nuclear Bunker

On a site with a long military history, a 1980s shelter.