emmaroocha's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Queens, New York

Fountain of the Planet of the Apes

No monkeying around, this fountain was really named after the classic sci-fi film.
New York, New York

Dream House

La Monte Young and Marian Zazeela's "Dream House" will immerse you in an ever changing world of sound and light.
New York, New York

The Evolution Store

A terrific purveyor of natural history objects and curios.
Canal Winchester, Ohio

The National Barber Museum & Hall of Fame

"You can only scalp a customer once, but you can give him a haircut every two weeks"-Barber's Maxim.
Galloway, Ohio

Battelle Darby Creek Metro Park

Bison, America's national mammal, are staging a slow comeback in Ohio's prairie parkland.
Powell, Ohio

Leatherlips Monument

A monument to a Native American leader who was known for never breaking a promise and met his end after signing a deal with white settlers.
Hilliard, Ohio

Early Television Museum

A retro walk through the history of the tube.
Columbus, Ohio

Gavel Sculpture

Just outside the Ohio Supreme Court sits a testament to justice.
St. Augustine, Florida

St. Augustine Airplane Graveyard

Gutted airplanes slowly decay in a Florida field.
St. Augustine, Florida

Pirate & Treasure Museum

Arrr! The most authentic collection of pirate artifacts in the world... matey.
St. Augustine, Florida

The Ponce de León Hotel

A luxurious 1880s hotel with its fair share of Tiffany stained glass, Edison electricity, and of course, ghosts.
Orlando, Florida

Skeletons: Museum of Osteology

Hundreds of skulls and bones at the largest skeleton museum in the country.
Orlando, Florida

The Holy Land Experience

A mega theme park-wax museum mélange containing all things biblical.
Orlando, Florida

"Singing Runway" at the Abandoned Disney World Airport

The only runway directly into the magic kingdom has been closed since 1972, but it still sings to you if you drive fast enough.
Orlando, Florida

Carmine Oddities Boutique

Human skulls and a stuffed goat made into a rocking chair can be found at this strange little store.
New Orleans, Louisiana

Dixie Brewing Company

This relatively recently abandoned brewery is a tragic reminder of the continuing effects of Hurricane Katrina.
New Orleans, Louisiana

The Conti Wax Museum

An old-timey wax exhibition campily depicting New Orleans legends and scandals.
New Orleans, Louisiana

Kitchen Witch Cookbooks

This colorful New Orleans bookstore features rare and used titles, with a specialty in Cajun fare.
New Orleans, Louisiana

Congo Square

Once the site of a Native American harvest festival, this humble clearing later played an invaluable role in the birth of jazz.
New Orleans, Louisiana

United Fruit Company Building

The beautiful, fruit-covered facade hints at this building's former life.
New Orleans, Louisiana

Scallop Shell Pulpit

The oldest operational cathedral in the U.S. has one shell of a way of projecting speakers' voices.
New Orleans, Louisiana

House of Dance & Feathers

A private museum dedicated to preserving the heritage of Mardi Gras' most beloved underdog parades, open by appointment.
New Orleans, Louisiana

The Music Tree

A hurricane-stricken oak tree has been reborn as a beautiful chainsaw artwork.
New Orleans, Louisiana

La Belle Nouvelle Orleans Antiques

This unique shop is full of memento mori art, antique medical equipment, secret society paraphernalia, and historical relics.