eoldehanhoff's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Sirmione, Italy
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Marbach, Austria

Mauthausen Memorial

The site of Austria's biggest concentration camp now honors its victims.
Vienna, Austria

Rathaus Paternoster

A non-stop elevator ride in Vienna's city hall.
Vienna, Austria

Österreichische Nationalbibliothek (Austrian National Library)

The beautiful baroque library of the Hapsburg empire.
San Juan de Gaztelugatxe, Spain


Hundreds of stone stairs and a winding medieval bridge connect this haunting Spanish island to the mainland.
Portugalete, Spain

Vizcaya Bridge

Two towns are linked by an engineering marvel masquerading as a boring suspension bridge.
Madrid, Spain

Moncloa Lighthouse

Inaugurated three times, this tower offers some of the best views of Madrid.
Vienna, Austria

Statue of Basilio Calafati

One of the most notable figures in the Wurstelprater’s history is often assumed to be a fictional character.
Vienna, Austria

House Attack

The house that took a plunge into the facade of a museum.
Vienna, Austria

Ausgrabungen Michaelerplatz

In the middle of a Vienna square, Roman ruins dating back some 2,000 years are on display.
Vienna, Austria


Along the edge of this fountain are 365 smaller fountains that represent the days of the year.
Vienna, Austria


This museum is dedicated to the little known ancient Roman history of Vienna.
Wien, Austria


Visiting this café is like visiting the Austrian grandma you wish you had.
Vienna, Austria

Dominikanerkirche (Dominican Church)

An exquisite Baroque church in Vienna's old town.
Vienna, Austria

Flak Towers

Giant WWII fortresses that fired 8,000 rounds a minute, now home to thousands of pigeons.
Vienna, Austria

Vienna Grand Ferris Wheel

Vienna's giant wonder wheel had a starring role in one of the greatest noir movies of all time.
Vienna, Austria

Naturhistorisches Museum

Beautiful Austrian natural history museum with carved ceilings and row after row of ancient taxidermy.
Vienna, Austria

Vienna Sewer System

Vienna's underworld of tunnels and subterranean rivers made an iconic appearance in a 1949 Orson Welles film.
Vienna, Austria

Cemetery of the Nameless

The resting place for anonymous victims of the Danube's dark waters.
Vienna, Austria

Hundertwasser's Odd Architecture

Op-art architecture designed for happiness.
Vienna, Austria

Republic of Kugelmugel

A spherical "micro-nation" in the heart of Vienna.
Vienna, Austria


Dine amidst exotic plants at this former royal greenhouse.
Vienna, Austria

Karlskirche (St. Charles's Church)

Built to give thanks for the passing of a plague epidemic, this cathedral is a one-of-a-kind architectural hybrid.
Vienna, Austria

Habsburg Imperial Crypt

The final resting place for the remains of 143 Habsburg royalty.
Vienna, Austria

Stephansdom Crypt

The crypt of the imposing Stephensdom holds royal intestines and thousands of skeletons.