evilolive's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Subotica, Serbia
Places edited in Subotica, Serbia
Places edited in Lagos, Nigeria
Places visited in Lagos, Nigeria
Places edited in Kathmandu, Nepal
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San Diego, California

Hotel del Coronado

L. Frank Baum wrote part of the "Wizard of Oz" series in this wooden Victorian beach resort.
Del Mar, California

Free Flight Exotic Bird Sanctuary

This unique sanctuary invites you to interact with the beautiful birds.
San Diego, California

Lucha Libre Taco Shop

Lucha Libre (Mexican Wrestling) themed taco shop.
Calipatria, California

Slab City

This abandoned Navy base was transformed into an off-grid alternative living community for thousands of people.
Bombay Beach, California

Bombay Beach

Version of the French Riviera destroyed by the sea.
Calipatria, California

Salvation Mountain

A hand-built folk art installation covered with messages of God's love.
Calipatria, California

Davis-Schrimpf Seep Field

Burping, gurgling geothermal mud pots by the Salton Sea.
Calipatria, California

Carcass Beach

At this deceptively beautiful beach, nothing is what it seems.
Calipatria, California

Obsidian Butte on the Salton Sea

Huge otherworldly domed rocks on the shore of a deadly lake.
Lahaina, Hawaii

Lahaina Banyan Tree

Take shelter from Hawai'i's tropical heat under the massive canopy of largest Banyan tree on the island.
Wahiawa, Hawaii

World's Largest Plant Maze

Race through the maze, get your name on the sign.
Kaneohe, Hawaii

Battery Cooper Bunker

This World War II-era bunker is now packed with posters and props from movies and TV shows filmed nearby.
Honolulu, Hawaii

Waikiki Natatorium War Memorial

This saltwater swimming pool, which is the last of its kind in the United States, is slowly crumbling within sight of multiple high-end beachside hotels.
San Antonio, Texas

Alamo Line in the Sand

Legend has it the commander of the defenders drew a fateful line in the dirt with his sword just before the final battle.
San Antonio, Texas

Buckhorn Saloon and Museum

A 131-year-old wunderkammer of Texas history.
San Antonio, Texas

Rosita's Bridge

An ivy-covered arch bridge dedicated to Tejano music singer and legend Rosita Fernandez.
Saint Hedwig, Texas

Woman Hollering Creek

A tiny waterway named after a ghost story.
Austin, Texas

The Harry Ransom Center

The upstairs reading room is packed with millions of rare books, literary manuscripts, and historical treasures.
Austin, Texas

Congress Bridge Bats

Home to the largest urban bat colony in North America, estimated at 1.5 million bats.
Imphal, India

Ima Market

Established in the 16th century, this "mother's market" is run entirely by women.
Antwerp, Belgium

St. Anna's Tunnel

Rare wooden escalators lead deep down into an otherwise staggeringly monotonous tiled tunnel.
Amsterdam, Netherlands

Café Papeneiland

Famed for its pie, this eatery has a hidden tunnel that allowed Catholics to secretly walk to church during the Reformation.
Rotterdam, Netherlands

Cube Houses

These slanted cubic abodes are a creative if odd solution to a zoning pickle.
Rotterdam, Netherlands

Rotterdam Historic Harbor

Old ships and machinery fill a historic harbor in the city that's home to Europe's largest port.