missymuses's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Broken Hill, Australia
Places visited in Qesm Saint Katrin, Egypt
Places visited in Williamstown, Australia
Places visited in Canberra, Australia
Places visited in Zaandam, Netherlands
Places visited in Haarlem, Netherlands
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Toronto, Ontario

Bata Shoe Museum

A collection of more than 12,000 shoes, displayed in a building shaped like a shoebox.
Buffalo, New York

Buffalo Central Terminal

Ruins of a once-prized railroad station in New York.
Niagara Falls, Ontario

Clifton Hill

This Niagara Falls tourist trap is a world bright with neon and curiosities that will inspire love, hate, or a mixture of both.
Montreal, Québec

Le Stade Olympique

A massive Montreal stadium that has seen nothing but trouble since its inception.
Berlin, Germany

Pergamon Museum

The most visited, and possibly most controversial, museum in Germany.
Dresden, Germany

Dresden Frauenkirche

This Dresden church was purposely rebuilt Protestant after being demolished in World War II.
Dresden, Germany

Grünes Gewölbe (Green Vault)

The largest treasure hoard in Europe is contained in a castle that was bombed out during World War II.
Nuremberg, Germany


This lurid German fountain plots the sad course of marriage from dating to death.
Nuremberg, Germany

Nuremberg Castle

A castle from the Holy Roman Empire that hosts traveling youth... in its stables.
Nuremberg, Germany

The Kongresshalle, Nuremberg

This abandoned coliseum was intended to be a grand Nazi rallying ground before it was halted at the end of the war.
Istanbul, Turkey

Obelisk of Theodosius

This remarkably well-preserved Egyptian plinth is pretty well traveled for a giant piece of stone.
Istanbul, Turkey

Basilica Cisterns of Istanbul

A marvel of Byzantine engineering under the streets of Istanbul.
Istanbul, Turkey

Piri Reis Map at Topkapi Palace

1513 Turkish world map, full of European state secrets and snarky commentary.
Istanbul, Turkey

Serpent Column

Ancient serpentine sacrifice holder that has stood the test of time.
Denizli, Turkey

Pamukkale Water Terraces

Roman ruins top white travertine terraces formed by ancient hot springs.
Kemer, Turkey

Olympos Coastal National Park (Çıralı)

Roman ruins, natural methane fires and a lovely beach.
Safita, Syria

Krak des Chevaliers

Ruins of the Crusaders' headquarters.
Derinkuyu, Turkey

Derinkuyu Underground City

The deepest underground city in Turkey was designed to protect 20,000 people behind massive stone doors.
Aksaray, Turkey


In this historic region, homes and churches are carved into ancient volcanic rock formations.
Vatican City

Gallery of Maps - Galleria delle Carte Geografiche

Breathtaking and huge 430 year old maps of Italy.
Madrid, Spain

Juan de la Cosa Map

The earliest known map to show America, discovered by accident at a Paris bookshop.
Valencia, Spain

Parque Gulliver

This massive fiberglass Gulliver turns every visitor into a Lilliputian.
Valencia, Spain

El Carme Street Art

Vibrant street art created with mixed media.
Waiotapu, New Zealand

Devil's Bath

This electric green sulphur lake in New Zealand looks like a cartoonish radioactive dump site.