missymuses's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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missymuses's activity rankings
Places visited in Broken Hill, Australia
Places visited in Zaandam, Netherlands
Places visited in Qesm Saint Katrin, Egypt
Places visited in Haarlem, Netherlands
Places visited in Canberra, Australia
Places visited in Pula, Croatia
Places visited in Sydney, Australia
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Rotorua, New Zealand


Major tourist destination known for its bubbling mud-pools and hot thermal springs.
Lake Tarawera, New Zealand

Te Wairoa Buried Village

A Maori village obliterated by an 1886 volcanic eruption.
Nouméa, New Caledonia

Jean Marie Tjibaou Cultural Center

Marvel of green building techniques that sings with the wind.
Seoul, South Korea

Seodaemun Prison

A chilling monument to Korean patriots who resisted the Japanese occupation.
Baalbek, Lebanon

Baalbek Trilithon

The largest hewn stone in history.
Set Zaynab, Syria

Sayyidah Zaynab Mosque

This ornate mosque is said to hold the remains of Muhammad's granddaughter beneath its dome of pure gold.
Beiteddine, Lebanon

Beiteddine Palace

After this one-of-a-kind palace was built the architect's hands are said to have been cut off to keep it that way.
Nubia, Egypt

The Temple of Abu Simbel

Ozymandias’ time-keeping temple.
Broken Hill, Australia

Titanic Bandsmen Memorial

A modest park memorial pays tribute to one of the Titanic's most revered storylines.
Broken Hill, Australia

Broken Hill Sculpture Symposium

Twelve sculptures designed to make their best showing with the coming or going of the sun.
Qesm Saint Katrin, Egypt

Red Sea Blue Hole

The deadliest diving spot in the world is also a stunning geological marvel.
Qesm Saint Katrin, Egypt

St. Catherine's Monastery

Charnel house at the foot of Mount Sinai.
Glastonbury, England


Fascinating town where normal life interfaces with the occult.
Goulburn, Australia

Big Merino

Three-story concrete ram with a permanent gift shop.
Belconnen, Australia

Giant Mushroom

Children's playground hidden under a big pink and blue cap.
Collector, Australia

Dreamer's Gate

One man's artistic vision is a small town government's legal battle.
Munich, Germany

Schönheitengalerie (Gallery of Beauties)

King Ludwig I's collection of beautiful women.
Dachau, Germany

Dachau Concentration Camp

The prototype for all Nazi concentration camps.
Berchtesgaden, Germany

Berchtesgaden Salt Mine

Dress up like a miner and take a slide into the disco-lit depths of this once foundational salt mine.
New York, New York

Pneumatic System of the New York Public Library

One of the last few places in Manhattan that employed a pneumatic systemic keeps it on display.
New York, New York

Sylvan Terrace

A discreet little stairway on St. Nicholas Avenue leads to a quaint and unexpected cobblestone street of 19th century wooden rowhouses.
New York, New York

The Morris-Jumel Mansion

The oldest house in Manhattan is now a museum that remembers the home's sordid history of scandals, vice-presidents, and ghosts.
Portsmouth, England

Mary Rose

Hauled from the water's depths, Henry VIII's flagship is preserved in this capsule-shaped museum.
Ypres, Belgium

Menin Gate Memorial

A moving memorial to the fallen and missing from WWI trenches.