barryjanderson23's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places edited in Springfield, Missouri
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Milwaukee, Wisconsin

National Bobblehead Hall of Fame and Museum

This quirky museum has a collection of more than 15,000 bobblehead dolls.
Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Shaker's Cigar Bar

Once a speakeasy operated by Al Capone, this Milwaukee cigar bar is now a haven for ghost hunters.
Milwaukee, Wisconsin


A place to eat for on-the-run agents and espionage enthusiasts.
Milwaukee, Wisconsin

The Bronze Fonz

Statue dedicated to the star of an old television show.
Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Milwaukee Art Museum

This striking art museum holds an amazing series of curiosity cabinets.
Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Ladybug Building

The bugs crawling down the front of this office building are almost as big as a '68 VW Beetle.
Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Black Cat Alley

A group of artists transformed this desolate city alleyway into an outdoor gallery of street art.
Milwaukee, Wisconsin

North Point Water Tower

What appears to be a wizard's lair in Milwaukee actually houses a massive water pipe.
St. Louis, Missouri

Site of Sportsman's Park

This spot in St. Louis, marked with a simple sign, has seen more pro baseball than just about anywhere else in the world.
St. Louis, Missouri

Burial Place of Chief Pontiac

A plaque on the side of a parking garage marks the burial place of a great Ottawa chief.
Waterbury, Vermont

Ben & Jerry's Flavor Graveyard

The sweetest graveyard in the world is filled with headstones for dearly de-pinted ice cream flavors.
Colborne, Ontario

The Big Apple

This giant roadside fruit is home to an array of apple-based treats.
Buffalo, New York

Shark Girl

The absurd creation is a compulsory destination for selfies in Buffalo.
Niagara Falls, Ontario

Clifton Hill

This Niagara Falls tourist trap is a world bright with neon and curiosities that will inspire love, hate, or a mixture of both.
Buffalo, New York

Theodore Roosevelt Inaugural National Historic Site

This restored house is like a time capsule of the president's unconventional inauguration.
Pelham, Ontario

Comfort Maple

Canada's oldest sugar maple has been growing since around 1500.
Freeport, Maine

Freeport McDonald's

When the town wouldn't allow the fast-food behemoth to build a new restaurant, they put one inside an 1850 home.
Elkhart, Indiana

Hall of Heroes

A rural hall of justice holds the world's only comic book and superhero museum.
Lanai City, Hawaii

Lanai Cat Sanctuary

The island of Lanai in Hawai'i is a paradise for cats and cat lovers.
Lahaina, Hawaii

Lahaina Banyan Tree

Take shelter from Hawai'i's tropical heat under the massive canopy of largest Banyan tree on the island.
Springfield, Missouri

Wonders of Wildlife Museum

An unexpected but incredible collection of wildlife dioramas spanning rainforests, swamps, forests, and plains.
Tulsa, Oklahoma

Buck Atom

Standing at 21-feet tall, this space cowboy adds to the legacy of Route 66's muffler men.
Groom, Texas

The Leaning Tower of Texas

This water tower slanted at an uncomfortable angle off the old Route 66 was an ingenious marketing ploy.
Shamrock, Texas

U-Drop Inn

Once in disrepair, this popular Texas stop along iconic Route 66 has been restored to its past glory.