emmiebob's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Lytham, England

Old Lifeboat House

This former lifeboat house now used by a funeral service was the site of a 19th-century boating tragedy.
Blackpool, England

Sir Hiram Maxim's Captive Flying Machines

One of the oldest amusement rides in existence was a huge disappointment to its creator.
Salford, England

Salford Lads' Club

This historic club for wayward boys has shaped some of the biggest names in music almost as much as they have shaped it.
Stockport, England

Stockport Air Raid Shelters

Nicknamed the 'Chestergate Hotel,' the underground tunnel had beds, lights, and even flushing toilets.
Chester, England

Chester Imp

A mysterious demonic figure peers down from its perch within the gorgeous Chester Cathedral.
Chester, England

Bridge Of Sighs

Once the last route taken by condemned prisoners.
Chester, England

Minerva's Shrine

Western Europe's only representation of a Roman goddess still in its original location sits in an unassuming park.
Chester, England

Chester Shot Tower

A 168-foot tower, part of the abandoned Chester Leadworks facility.
Bollington, England

White Nancy

A strange Georgian folly sits atop a lonely hill.
Staffordshire, England

Lud's Church

This haunting stone chasm is a hotbed of mossy rock and English legend.
Blackpool, England

High Tide Organ

This sculpture is an instrument played by the swell of the seas.
Darwen, England

India Mill Chimney

One of the tallest mill chimneys in Lancashire gave up its ornate cast iron "crown" during World War II to assist the war effort.
Morecambe, England

Eric Morecambe Statue

Dedicated to the legendary comedian Eric Morecambe depicting his iconic "Bring Me Sunshine" stance.
Dorset, England

The Scout Stone

This commemorative stone was erected near the first Scout campsite.
Clitheroe, England

Clitheroe Castle

The second smallest castle keep in England.
Canterbury, England

West Gate Tower Museum

A defensive structure built during the Hundred Years War has remained useful in one way or another for nearly 700 years.
Hove, England

Victorian Seaside Shelters

These seaside shelters once enjoyed by royalty remain a part of local history.
Scarborough, England

Scarborough Railway Station Bench

Believed to be the longest railway bench in the world.
Hove, England

Armada Beacon

This large torch on the Hove coastline helped Sir Francis Drake defend England from the Spanish fleet.
Preston, England

Preston Bus Station

Locals spent years successfully fighting to save this beloved Brutalist behemoth from demolition.
West Sussex, England

The Long Bench

This multicolored meandering masterpiece is Britain's longest bench.
Nether Alderley, England

Alderley Edge Mines

The oldest known metal-mining site in England dates back to the Bronze Age.
Bath, England

Sally Lunn's

This restaurant's specialty is "a major enigma for food historians."
Inverkeithing, Scotland

Forth Bridge

A remarkable feat of Victorian engineering across the Firth of Forth.