femmegeek's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Kyoto, Japan

Funaoka Onsen

Have a soak at this retro bathhouse, where you will find Japan's first electric bath, tiling from Spain, and wood carvings representing the Japanese invasion of Manchuria.
Kyoto, Japan

Issen Yoshoku

This kitsch-forward diner is dedicated to an almost-forgotten “one-cent” prototype of okonomiyaki.
Kyoto, Japan

Ichijo Modoribashi Bridge

The “bridge of return” is haunted by a myriad of legends, from ghosts to demons to nuptial superstitions.
Kyoto, Japan

Minatoya Yurei Kosodate-Ame Honpo

Legend has it that centuries ago, a ghost once frequented this candy shop to feed her still-living baby.
Kyoto, Japan

Rokuon-ji Temple

This 14th-century temple is also known as the "Temple of the Golden Pavilion" for its gorgeous gilded reliquary hall.
Kyoto, Japan

Honke Owariya

One of Kyoto's oldest food establishments has supplied soba noodles to temple priests and the Imperial Palace.
Kyoto, Japan

Tenryu-Ji Shrine's Bamboo Trail

A beautiful bamboo trail tucked in this famous Japanese Shrine.
Kyoto, Japan

Sagano Bamboo Forest

The sound of swaying stalks in this stunning grove has been named a governmentally recognized sound.
Kyoto, Japan

Yokai Street

This neighborhood thoroughfare is haunted by dozens of homemade monsters.
Tokyo, Japan

Hanegi Park

The 650 red and white Japanese plum trees of this Tokyo neighborhood blossom each spring.
Tokyo, Japan

Sumida Hokusai Museum

A small museum in a ward on the east side of Tokyo showcases the works of one of Japan's greatest ukiyo-e artists.
Tokyo, Japan

Site of Suzugamori Execution Grounds

A site where ten to twenty thousand Edo-era prisoners were put to death.
Tokyo, Japan


This tiny stone in a children's park is what remains of an ancient, once-worshipped object.
Tokyo, Japan

Kozukappara Execution Grounds

This infamous execution site inspired the beginning of Japan's modernization in the late 18th-century.
Tokyo, Japan

Omori Shell Mound

The site of Japan’s first archaeological excavation is also the birthplace of fingerprint forensics.
Tokyo, Japan

Asakusa Underground Street

Stuck in a bygone era, the oldest subterranean shopping street in Japan hides beneath the popular Asakusa district of Tokyo.
Tokyo, Japan

Asakura Gallery

Kawaii meets poisonous at this unique art gallery.
Tokyo, Japan

Jimbōchō Book Town

A bibliophile's heaven that contains hundreds of bookstores, offering over a third of secondhand books for sale in Tokyo.
Tokyo, Japan

Detective Bar Progress

The bartenders at this crime-fighting theme cafe are actual private detectives by day.
Tokyo, Japan


Tokyo’s only Ainu restaurant serves Indigenous food from northern Japan.
Tokyo, Japan

8bit Cafe

Transport yourself to the 1980s era of video games at this themed restaurant and bar.
Tokyo, Japan

Sōgenji Temple (Kappa-Dera)

Shrine to Japanese water-goblins, complete with their preserved body parts.
Whitchurch, England

King Arthur's Cave

The site of an early Arthurian battle and the dwelling-place of prehistoric people and (possibly) an ancient race of giants.
Bundaberg North, Australia

Bundaberg Botanic Gardens

Peanut butter trees and miracle berries are just the beginning.