frank66riddler's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Fremont, Michigan

National Baby Food Festival

Week-long festival in the baby food capital of the world.
Grayling, Michigan

Hartwick Pines Logging Museum

This museum in the woods evokes the work and lives of Michigan's 19-century lumberjacks.
White Pigeon, Michigan

Wahbememe Burial Site and Monument

A memorial to the Potawatomi chief who allegedly ran nearly 150 miles to alert settlers of an impending attack.
Douglas, Michigan

'New Singapore'

On the shores of Lake Kalamazoo, a plaque marks a fictional event where an island nation ran aground.
Detroit, Michigan

Vanity Ballroom

Dilapidated Mayan-themed ballroom was one of Detroit's most popular venues through the 40s.
Nashville, Tennessee

United Record Pressing

When Motown musicians came to Nashville in the 1960s they stayed at this historic record-pressing company because hotels wouldn't host them.
Novelty, Ohio

ASM International Materials Park

Known as "The Dome" this is the world's largest open air geodesic dome.
Columbus, Ohio

Eddie Rickenbacker Childhood Home

The childhood home of one of Ohio's favorite sons, pilot and war hero Eddie Rickenbacker.
Saugatuck, Michigan

Seurat at Saugatuck

In this quiet park a rendition of a classic painting graces the outside of a charming restroom.
Cleveland, Ohio

International Women's Air & Space Museum

A wonderful and easily overlooked museum tucked in Ohio's Burke Lakefront Airport.