Gamereg's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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St. Louis, Missouri

Crown Candy Kitchen

The oldest soda fountain in St. Louis has been serving up treats for more than a century.
Shiraoi, Japan

Upopoy (National Ainu Museum and Park)

Learn about the indigenous people of Japan's northernmost islands.
Portland, Oregon

Portland's Shanghai Tunnels

The seamy, underground secrets of Portland's criminal past.
Portland, Oregon

The Skeleton Key Odditorium

This museum and curiosity shop provides a glimpse into an often-overlooked past to show guests that there is beauty and wonder in the macabre.
Besiekiery, Poland

Besiekiery Castle Ruins

These beautiful castle ruins are nestled in the Polish countryside.
Tokyo, Japan

Godzilla Head

Not quite the menace it once was, this monster still has some chops.
Tucson, Arizona

Campbell Bat Bridge

A colony of Mexican free-tailed bats live under the bridge and take flight at sundown all summer long.
Omaha, Nebraska

The Museum of Shadows

Haunted dolls, macabre artifacts, and more make up the collection of the “most haunted museum in the world.”
Sponsored by Nebraska Tourism
Colnbrook, England

The Ostrich Inn

One of England’s oldest and most haunted inns may have inspired the legend of Sweeney Todd.
London, England

Croham Hurst Woods

Late Mesolithic settlements and Bronze Age burials have been excavated at this ancient woodland on the top of a hill.
Conata, South Dakota


A ghost town now swarming with dozens of prairie dogs.
Nye County, Nevada

Warm Springs Ghost Town

The only thing still moving in this town is the eponymous hot spring.
Argonne, South Dakota

Argonne Ghost Town

Once a thriving town of 100, Argonne was abandoned around 1970.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Extinct Bird Hall

Venture into the past with an unlisted exhibit hall featuring extinct birds.
San Francisco, California

Musée Mécanique

A collection of 20th-century automata, penny arcade games, and musical contraptions.
Bendigo, Australia

Central Deborah Gold Mine

Direct access to a gold mine showing the boom and bust of Australia's Victorian gold rush.
Ogbunike, Nigeria

Ogbunike Caves

Legend has it these caves were created by a deity called Ogba, who is said to live inside the winding subterranean caverns.
Wellington, New Zealand

Hobbit Hideaway

This ledge in Victoria Park served as a hiding spot for Frodo, Sam, Merry and Pippin.
Tokyo, Japan

Vampire Café

A taste of the macabre Tokyo's ritzy shopping district.
Kaneohe, Hawaii

Battery Cooper Bunker

This World War II-era bunker is now packed with posters and props from movies and TV shows filmed nearby.
Ringkøbing, Denmark

Hvide Sande Nazi Bunkers

Remnants of the Nazis' occupation of Denmark linger along the sand.
Loches, France

Underground Sound Sculptures

Artist and musician Will Menter creates musical sculptures.

Marsiling Tunnels

These secretive tunnels were once the site of a Royal Air Force fuel reserve depot.
New York, New York

Dream House

La Monte Young and Marian Zazeela's "Dream House" will immerse you in an ever changing world of sound and light.