GetWeird98's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places edited in Takoma Park, Maryland
Places edited in South Hero, Vermont
Places edited in Burlington, Vermont
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Worcester, Massachusetts

Worcester Common Burial Ground

A grave surprise in the downtown area of New England's second-largest city.
Worcester, Massachusetts

Burnside Fountain - Turtle Boy

The Burnside Fountain and its questionable interpretation.
Berlin, Germany

Stolpersteine Holocaust Memorials

Tiny memorials honor individual victims of the Holocaust.
Berlin, Germany

Memorial to Homosexuals Persecuted Under Nazism

A memorial in the Tiergarten is a reminder of the suffering inflicted on homosexuals by the Nazi regime.
Berlin, Germany

Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe

Thousands of coffin-like pillars make up this controversial Holocaust memorial.
Silver Spring, Maryland

'Coastline' Wave Pool

Live data is transmitted from the Atlantic coast to instantly recreate the ocean waves in this fountain at the NOAA headquarters.
Silver Spring, Maryland

Silver Spring B&O Railroad Station

Built in 1945, this historic train station has a new lease on life with its baggage area serving as an event space.
Silver Spring, Maryland

Bust of the 'Homeless Mayor'

A tribute to the beloved, kind-hearted "homeless mayor" of Silver Spring.
Takoma Park, Maryland

Herlong the Carved Dragon

A benevolent, 16-foot-tall river dragon lives on a suburban lawn.
Takoma Park, Maryland

Thomas-Siegler House And Garden

Concerned residents saved this historic house and garden from demolition.
Takoma Park, Maryland

Roscoe the Rooster

The rooster who crossed the road lives on forever in Takoma Park, Maryland.
Silver Spring, Maryland

Acorn Park

Giant acorn-shaped 19th century gazebo from which suburban Washingtonians gazed upon the original "silver" spring.
Silver Spring, Maryland

Mammalian Brain Collection

Brain collection and database that narrows the gap between man and animal.
Silver Spring, Maryland

National Museum of Health and Medicine

An astounding collection of medical specimens, including bits of President Lincoln.
Dublin, Ireland

Kilmainham Gaol

One of Ireland's most infamous prisons for rebels including men, women and children.
Kilkenny, Ireland

Dunmore Cave

This Irish show cave is said to have been the site of a Viking massacre that claimed 1,000 lives.
Sligo, Ireland

Medb's Cairn

This 30-foot pile of rocks may be the grave of a mythological Irish queen.
Washington, D.C.

Georgetown Waterfront

The little-known, 300-year history of the area includes former lives as a bustling tobacco port, parking lot, and industrial dump.
Jackson, New Hampshire

Mount Washington

The highest point in the state of New Hampshire, and while unlikely "the worst weather in the world," it sure seems that way to hikers.
Burlington, Vermont

Tallest Filing Cabinet on Earth

This 38-drawer structure claims the superlative title, but it isn't the world's only giant filing cabinet.
Burlington, Vermont

Flying Monkey Sculptures

Scary metal statues adorn some of the signature buildings of Burlington, VT.
South Hero, Vermont

Miniature Castles of South Hero

A gardener's enduring labor of love is spread throughout a small Vermont town.
South Burlington, Vermont

'Reverence' (Whales Tails)

A pair of black granite tails dive into a sea of grass in landlocked Vermont.
South Hero, Vermont

Birdhouse Forest

Driftwood dinosaurs lurk within trees covered in a rainbow array of avian abodes.