gordoninontario's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Tobermory, Ontario
Places edited in Mattoon, Illinois
Places visited in United States / Canada
Places edited in Edmonton, Alberta
Places edited in Gloucestershire, England
Places edited in Falkland Islands
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St. Louis, Missouri

Turtle Playground

This is not your typical jungle gym.
St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador

Marathon of Hope Mile 0

Where a young athlete began his run across Canada after losing his right leg to cancer.
Edmonton, Alberta

Alberta Railway Museum

Ride aboard a centuries-year-old steam engine and explore dozens of trains parts, including an unusual "comboose."
Toronto, Ontario

Chinese Railroad Workers Memorial

A monument to the 17,000 Chinese who worked and died to build Canada's Pacific Railway.
Milton, Ontario

Halton County Radial Railway

Take a ride on antique streetcars from across Canada.
Toronto, Ontario

Simcoe Park 'Worker's Monument'

The artwork commemorates the many ways 20th-century people perished while on the clock.
Jasper, Alberta

Athabasca Glacier

This natural wonder is disappearing at an alarming rate.
Toronto, Ontario

Ontario Place

An abandoned 1970s theme park that has been turned into a space for waterfront walking.
Lisse, Netherlands

Keukenhof Gardens

Unsurprisingly, Holland is home to one of the most magnificent flower gardens in the world.
St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador

Signal Hill

The first transatlantic wireless signal was received at this 17th-century fort.
Twillingate, Newfoundland and Labrador

Prime Berth Twillingate Fishery & Heritage Centre

This quirky museum celebrates the history of a local cod fishing industry.
Atlanta, Georgia

The Sideways Grave of Sideways the Dog

A slanted tomb honors the faithful, furry companion of the Georgia Tech student body.
Atlanta, Georgia

Trader Vic's

Mai Tais and Navy Grog served up in one of the original tiki bars.
Newfoundland and Labrador

Iceberg Alley

Hundreds of enormous icebergs drift through this waterway every year.
Evanston, Illinois

Northwestern University Shakespeare Garden

Roses and other fascinating flora fill this garden built to commemorate Britain's immortal Bard.
Ottawa, Ontario

Château Laurier

The mastermind behind this palatial hotel perished on the Titanic weeks before its grand opening.
Lincoln, Ontario

Grande Hermine

The third version of this tall sailing ship sits, rusted and burnt, in Lake Ontario.
Chicago, Illinois

Stan Mansion

Built to house a chapter of the Knights Templar, this grandiose building is a relic of Freemasonry in Chicago a century ago.
Chicago, Illinois

Thorne Miniature Rooms

Each of these gorgeous, intricately decorated rooms is painstakingly crafted to the scale of 1 inch: 1 foot.
Chicago, Illinois

Couch Tomb

No one knows how many bodies are in this vault in a Chicago public park.
Chicago, Illinois

Narwhals at the Field Museum

To find the "unicorns of the deep" you've got to go downstairs.
Huntsville, Alabama


A propulsion engine testbed that paved the way for the Space Shuttle launch sits without recognition at this rocket center.
Chicago, Illinois

Chicago Stock Exchange Trading Room

Once at the center of U.S. finance, the historic Trading Room was meticulously recreated piece by piece and rebuilt in the Art Institute.
Chicago, Illinois

The World's Columbian Exhibition of 1893

What's left of the ruins of the 1893 Columbian Exhibition, or World's Fair, also known as the White City.