handym12's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Aberystwyth, Wales
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Budapest, Hungary

For Sale Pub

This Budapest bar allows drinkers to leave their mark on the walls, floor, and even ceiling.
Budapest, Hungary

The Holy Right

The mummified right fist of a 1,000-year-old saint-king sits inside an ornate golden reliquary.
Llandudno, Wales

Great Orme Tramway

One of the few surviving street funiculars in the world.
Weston, England

Hawkstone Park

Created hundreds of years ago, the magical follies and landscapes at this park were almost lost to time before being restored.
Telford, England

The Frog Clock

This whimsical, unique clock has been entertaining shoppers for well over 20 years.
West Wycombe, England

Hellfire Caves

Human-made caves excavated to hide a secret society of wealthy pagans.
Ripponden, England

Windy Hill

The longest cutting on the M62 contains some surprises—though it's best to leave the motorway to appreciate them.
Leeds, England

Royal Armouries Museum

One of three sites in England that house the National Collection of Arms and Armour.
Leeds, England

Horned Helmet of Henry VIII

The bizarre headgear looks like it was made for a fool, not a king.
Plymouth, England

The Leviathan

Overlooking the spot where the Pilgrims boarded the Mayflower stands Devon's answer to the Colossus of Rhodes.
Cornwall, England

The Eden Project

The largest greenhouse in the world is home to over one million types of plants.
Birmingham, England

Ozzy the Bull

A gigantic mechanical bull rages over unsuspecting passengers at Birmingham’s central station.
London, England

Greenwich Foot Tunnel

A 1,215-foot tunnel transports pedestrians beneath the River Thames.
London, England

Platform 9 3/4

Kings Cross Station pays tribute to its role in Britain's best-selling book series.
Falkirk, Scotland

Falkirk Wheel

Old-fashioned knowledge and modern engineering create the world's only rotating boatlift.
Grangemouth, Scotland

The Kelpies

The heads of two giant mythological water horses honor Scotland's horselord past.
Linlithgow, Scotland

Montgomery Scott Plaque

The fictional birthplace of the Chief Engineer aboard the Starship Enterprise.
Edinburgh, Scotland

The Edinburgh Maiden

This early version of the guillotine was used to execute the man responsible for its construction.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Holyrood Abbey Ruins

Ruined 11th century abbey built by King David I in Edinburgh, Scotland.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Golfer's Land

A British plaque explains that a house was built using the spoils of the first international golf bet.
Amsterdam, Netherlands

Sea Palace

Europe's first floating restaurant is home to a hilarious legend.
Verona, Italy

Whale Bone of Arco della Costa

A whale rib was used to advertise the store by the arch that offered exotic goods from far away.
Verona, Italy

Juliet's Balcony

Pilgrimage site for star-crossed lovers.
Lauterbrunnen, Switzerland

Sphinx Observatory

A historic observatory precariously perched at the "Top of Europe."