harusi's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Mount Thor

Earth's greatest purely vertical drop at 4,101 feet.
Whistler, British Columbia

The Mushroom House

Home inspired by the crystal rock formation of the Emerald Estates.
Victoria, British Columbia

Miniature World

A famous hotel houses an impression collection of mini dioramas and giant doll houses.
Tobermory, Ontario

Flowerpot Island

Little island known for its massive beachfront "flowerpot" pillars.
New Orleans, Louisiana

Tulane’s Mardi Gras Bead Tree

After the parade, students throw their beads on the tree hoping for good luck on exams.
New Orleans, Louisiana

House of Dance & Feathers

A private museum dedicated to preserving the heritage of Mardi Gras' most beloved underdog parades, open by appointment.
New Orleans, Louisiana

The New Orleans Train Garden

Tiny historical streetcars wind through a small scale version of Crescent City in this whimsical train garden.
New Orleans, Louisiana

Backstreet Cultural Museum

The greatest collection of New Orleans masking and processional traditions covering everything from Baby Dolls to Skull and Bone gangs.
Cândido Godói, Brazil

Cândido Godói

The mystery of Brazil's "Land of Twins" has led to wild theories such as Nazi genetic experiments.
São Paulo, Brazil

Museum of Japanese Immigration in Brazil

Its collection details the experiences of the largest Japanese community outside Japan.
São Paulo, Brazil

'The Indian and the Anteater' Sculpture

This mesmerizing statue of a child wrestling an anteater symbolizes the native culture and biodiversity of São Paulo.
São Paulo, Brazil

Puppet Cabinet at Monteiro Lobato Library

Dozens of vintage puppets are displayed in an unassuming hallway at the public library.
São Paulo, Brazil

Ao Rei das Mágicas

São Paulo's oldest magic shop has been hiding in plain sight for nearly four decades.
Ouro Preto, Brazil

Museu do Aleijadinho

A display of works by one of the world masters sacred art, an 18th-century Brazilian sculptor nicknamed "the little cripple."
São Paulo, Brazil

Vila Maria Zélia

The first model village in Brazil, built in 1917 to house workers at the jute sack factory.
Quixeramobim, Brazil

Pyramids of the Order of the Guardians of the Pharaohs

Modern pyramids built to channel positive energy have also fomented local tales of animal sacrifice.
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Zeppelin Hangar at Santa Cruz Air Force Base

One of the world's last well-maintained airship hangars.
Ubatuba, Brazil

Hidden Madonna Altar

A secret Virgin Mary tucked away on a Brazilian beach.
São Paulo, Brazil

Museu Penitenciário Paulista

A former prison complex now displays a historic collection of inmate artwork.
Cuiabá, Brazil

Geographic Center of South America

An obelisk marks the exact center of the continent, as per the calculations of the legendary Brazilian explorer Cândido Rondon.
São Paulo, Brazil

La Madone de São Paulo

This giant mural of Santa Muerte in downtown São Paulo reminds passersby of their own mortality.
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Bangu Statue of Liberty

This Brazilian Lady Liberty is one of the few replicas that was actually made by the original designer.
Blumenau, Brazil

Fritz Müller Ecology Museum

This small Brazilian museum honors the work of a German biologist who studied the jungles for decades.
Canela, Brazil

Mundo a Vapor

This attraction is devoted to the wonders of steam power and features a replica of one of its most public disasters.